Chapter Two: And Unexplainable To Family

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I breathe a sigh of relieve, as the uncomfortable car ride comes to a long awaited end, finally seeing the house.

To think I wanted school to be over and here I am now wishing it never ended. Wishing I could have stayed there living in the kiss with Roman forever. Not caring or thinking of the people around as I live in one of my day dreams I never imagined playing out in real life.

At the sight of our father's truck not around anywhere I become double relieved. He isn't home. He isn't here for River and Cameron to utter a word to him because apparently my life needs to be watched carefully. I guess fear of me getting hurt by someone else or having the wrong person find out about our family secret comes into play.

Dad didn't mind though. He was accepting when he found out but not everyone will be. He loved my other dad so it didn't take much to have him see past it and not speak. But it is not everyday though someone comes out and reveals they can shift into a rabbit is it?

Probably not which is why I guess I'm looked after but come on! I need space. I need room to breathe to be able to have my major crush turn into something more than me being his creepy stalker he has known all along I have been.

I want him to like me. I want him to hold and kiss me in public again like he did after school as if no one else was around. He wore a smile I never seen him wear even his eyes were smiling. I felt warmth and love in his arms I don't want it to end by my family's disapproval and prying before it can begin.

Thinking about it and giving it more thought than ever before it's dawning on me. I have a sudden wake up call I didn't want to have reminding me to think hard about the relationship Roman started. He barely noticed me until today and he has no idea how more weird I am that people don't know about.

Well I don't think it's weird personally but that's of course resulting from growing up and having it be normal. I have a family who have normalized it to me we are different and it's a gift we were given in need. Except outside of us it might become something known as a curse or may even perk up someone's interest in us and not in a good way either.

Roman doesn't know and telling him might ruin any chance I have for him to continue liking me. Unless he isn't normal and he's something other than fully human. He called me his mate. He said he has a family secret he'll explain to me tomorrow but tomorrow is beginning to feel like forever.

"Sammy?" Cameron says standing outside of the car.

I hadn't realized he and River were already out of the car while I was left in thought. "Huh?" I reply in total confusion.

"You coming inside?" he asks, while River wastes no time heading in the direction of the woods.

"Uh yeah." I begin to wonder if River is planning on seeing Skylar.

Then again as always I don't want to know because the mere thought grosses me out. All I do know I wouldn't want be stuck in rabbit form for eternity never able to be free to roam as humans whenever and where ever I want.

Despite Drew bullying me and me wanting to be invisible I do like being able to go out walking to blend in as human and not stuck in the woods. I'm a complicated fourteen year old I guess. Antisocial to the extreme wanting to be far, far away from people but not being around any people makes me depressed and lonely. I'm like everyone else. I want a best friend or even a friend to talk to but I have severe problems opening up and not being 'that weird kid in the back of the class standing out' no matter how hard I try to avoid it.

I become sucked into a vortex of questions as I wonder as I always do why our family? Why only us not every other rabbit in the world but it doesn't take long to remember what our father explained.

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