Everywhere I Go

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I looked at the papers Mrs. Maxwell gave me in the hallway. My mom had already signed me up for 2 things. Basketball and band. She knows me too well.

I walked to my first class, science, and saw half the class full. I was only 5 minutes early. I scanned my eyes across the room, looking for a good spot for the rest of the year.

When I saw that there was an empty desk next to the window, I almost ran over there. There was still an empty desk next to me on my right. My teacher, Mrs. Benefield, walked in the room with a boy. All the kids hopped off of desks and sat in their seats, and some were still buzzing around looking for a desk, even though they had enough time to look for one.

"Hello everyone. Before we begin today's lesson, I just wanted to introduce our new student, Reed Deming." The boy finally looked up, smiling, but I knew it was probably a gameface.

There were only 2 empty desks. The one beside me, and one way in the back in between Nicholas and Maragret, a broken up couple. I am really confident he'll pick the seat next to me...

"Oh dear, it looks like there are only 2 empty desks. Why don't you choose one, Reed?" Mrs. Benefield said like they were at a pet store and she wanted Reed to pick the cutest puppy.

Reed didn't last a second up there. He carefully, yet quickly, walked over to the desk next to mine. He seated himself and took a glance at me. My heart hammered in my chest.

"Hey," I heard a voice tell me. I looked beside me slowly, eyeing blue eyes. The kid smiled, flipping his slick light brown hair out of his eyes. I gulped hard. He was so adorable.

"Hi," I finally said, smiling back. He couldn't be examining my plain brown eyes and hair, could he? It's not rare to have dark brown eyes and dark brown hair.

Mrs. Benefield started a lesson, while I kept taking notes. At times, I liked writing. At other times, I would sit back and groan, writing stuff she said, and I wouldn't know if she wanted us to write it down or not.

But, I felt like I was being watched. About 3 times, I would look over at Reed. He would be looking at me, but when I lifted my eyes off of my notebook, he would start writing like it's what he's been doing. I chuckled, and soon enough, the bell rang. I rushed outta there to my next class.

(2 and a half hours later..)

It was time for basketball practice, so once I was in my tabletop, shorts, gym socks, and sneakers, I jogged out of the girl locker room and into the basketball court. We were picking teams, so I stood on the sideline.

Team captains were Matthew and Mae.

"Kay Matthew, pick!!" Mae rushed, eyeing everyone on the sideline. She already had Porter and Rose on her team.

Matthew had Prince and Christian. He bounced the basketball, examining everyone still left. He smiled and shouted, "Riley."

The ball bounced to me. My cheeks grew hot as I walked towards Matthew, throw-bouncing the ball to Mae.

Mae picked Kaliyah and Matthew picked Michael, and so on. My team was mostly filled with boys, but I didn't care.

Before we started, I saw someone coming towards our court. He looked like Reed, but I wasn't sure.

"HEY! Stop the game! Someone's coming.." I hollered.

Matthew's team and Mae's team looked at the student who was coming towards us. When he or she walked into the shade, I could tell it was Reed.

The teams were even. How was he gonna play?

"He's on our team!" Mae'a teammate, Katelyn, said way too excitedly.

"Ooh, someone's got a crush!" I said, and Matthew's team laughed after I teased. Christian held up his hand. I high fived him and laughed.

Reed got here, asking, "What's so funny?"

We all stopped laughing. "Nothing," Matthew replied in his deep, attractive voice.

"So," Reed clapped his hands together once, rolling his knuckles. "Who's team am I on?"

Katelyn's mouth opened to say something, but she closed it. Omigosh Katelyn. Say it. I won't tease you!

What am I saying. Of course I'll tease her.

"You can go on Mae's team if you want," Michael suggested. Reed examined Mae's team. I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't gonna pick them.

"Nah I'm good. You guys look like a good team to play w- I mean..they look like a competitive team!" Reed stumbled. I nudged him and we both chuckled.

"Fine. Let's play." Mae snickered.

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