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Just as the words escaped Mrs. Ariana's mouth, a light haired boy with blue eyes entered the room. Without a doubt, it was Reed.

He flashed a smile to everyone in the room, walking over to a chair. He was carrying an instrument case, pretty big. Once he sat down, everyone returned their attention to Mrs. Ariana.

"Okay everyone," She said, keeping an eye on Reed.

"We're going to play the first line on page 8," She stated. Everyone flipped pages as they landed on page 8.

Once everyone was there, Mrs. Ariana held up her hands, ready to instruct the rhythm.

"One, two, three, and go." The sounds of different kinds of instruments filled the room. I looked around at everyone playing their instruments, except for Reed. He was doing something with it. he could be putting it together, could he? What did he play?

I tried to look at what Reed was doing with his instrument. Actually, I wanted to see WHAT instrument he had. I moved around but still couldn't get a peek. If he played the clarinet like me, I would die.

15 minutes later, band was over. I stood up and walked towards the exit, but then I remembered Reed. I turned back around, scanning my brown eyes across the room. Reed was just now closing his black, bold instrument case.

I decided to wait for him, since I wanted to chat with him. He reached the doorway and greeted me with a hello, and a simple smile. I got a kind of rush feeling when he was next to me. Wait, what?

"So, what instrument do you play?" Reed asked me first. I smiled, looking down at my case.

"Clarinet," I responded. "What about you?"

"Saxophone," Reed looked down at his case as well, lifting it a bit.

I got to my locker, entering the combination, and then putting my instrument case inside. Reed did the same, since his locker was close to mine.

We walked to our next class together. Mine was math, his was English.

"Do you mind if I get your number?" Reed stuffed his hands in his pockets, not making eye contact. I raised an eyebrow, staring at the floor.

"Um, sure," I said, looking through my binder for a spare piece of paper.

I found one and wrote my number on it, giving it to Reed. He smiled happily, doing the same with a piece of paper he had in his pocket.

"Great," Reed said. "I'll text you after school."

"After school?" I laughed, now noticing how sweet and delicate he might be.

"Yeah.." He replied, a bit confused. His cheeks grew a light pink.

I raised an eyebrow at him, with a sly, sneaky smirk. I narrowed my eyes to the classroom door to see if he would get it.

"Texting during class?" Reed whispered close to my ear. His warm breath sent chills down my spine. I swallowed, hoping I didn't go off the walls with what I was feeling right now.

"Yup," I said, popping the 'p'.

"But won't we-"

"Not if you're good at being bad."

"Well," He smirked back at me, saying kinda loud, "We have a badass over here!"

Only a few people heard, and they smiled at us, mostly at Reed, because he was just so cute.

"Oh, Miss Augustine is a badass? I never knew that," A football player, Dylan, heard what Reed has said. He came up to us, making his comment. Dylan wasn't at all rude, he was nice and tough. If you're mean to him, he'll be pounding you like the world is gonna end in 5 seconds. Truth is, he's a real sweet guy.

"Um yeah, I guess," I murmured.

"What'd you do." Dylan asked flatly. It didnt really come out as a question, it came out more of a statement. His pearly white teeth stood out as he smiled sneakily.

"Ummm...." I looked at Reed for help. He caught my eye and nodded a little, but not too much for Dylan to see.

"She told a football player off!" He exclaimed.

"CUTE BOY SAY WHAT?" I faced him, then looked at Dylan at the corner of my eye. He looked surprised and happy in a mix.

"Damn! Who?!" Dylan was still interested. Reed looked lost now.

"Uhh -" I tried to think of a football player at the moment, but couldn't think of any besides Dylan.

"Vincent!" I pointed at Dylan out of thin air.

"Him?!" He looked dumbfounded. "What did he do? He's the kindest guy."

"Fuck," I said, putting my finger down.

"Lets just confess," Reed whispered next to me, too soft for Dylan to hear, but loud enough for me to hear.

"Fine," I said. "We're gonna text in class."



I'm still thinking about the celebrity look-a-like thing. idk who Riley should look like, nor Matthew, nobody..hopefully in the next chapter i'll have some ideas..K BYE!!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2013 ⏰

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