Chapter 1 - This is bad

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hope you enjoy the first chapter

Tonight is one of those nights I decide to take myself out. Not by choice. The thing is, the girl who calls herself my best friend - Dawn - ditched me to go "hang out" with her so called boyfriend. They're most probably exploring each other's bodies while I'm receiving looks of pity from people who came with their friends or partners.

After walking around the mall basically eye shopping, I'm still not ready to go home. I should've pitched up at work today but I called in sick because... well because I wanted a day dedicated to myself. My procrastinating lying self. I never get reprimanded for missing work though. They say I'm their biggest assets - whatever that means.
I'm a people person at work - everyone knows my name for whatever reason but I don't have any friends in the workplace. I don't trust the people I work with to be loyal to me. I don't have trust issues, I have "I know the type of person you are and I'm not getting involved with you" issues - if you can even call that an issue. I'm picky with the people I surround myself with.

Where was I again? Oh yes, the mall.

I decide to watch the 7:00 pm movie 'cause I can and I'm not going home to an empty apartment now. Lucky for me The Bye Bye Man is playing. This horror movie better not disappoint. I mean I laughed almost every 10 minutes when I watched IT. Stephen King is fucked up funny. I still have a few minutes before the movie starts so I stand in line to buy snacks. I decide on a medium combo which comes with medium popcorn, a medium slushie and a packet of any sweets I want. Me being me, I pick Skittles. As I pay for my goodies, I get the feeling someone's watching me so I turn around to check but everyone behind me is either talking to their friends or has their face glued to their phone.

Weird. I could've sworn someone was watching me.

I ignore my gut telling me to look for whoever's staring at me so intensely. Instead I make my way to the ticket holder who checks my ticket and points me in the direction of the cinema where my movie is playing. I walk into the half full cinema and think back to how Dawn ditched me for her boy toy. I sit on one of the seats in the middle row, where I know I won't have to strain my neck during the movie.

Dawn always makes me sit with her in the front row and at the end of the movie my neck is stiff. I'm too nice and I have such a weird friend. I take out my phone to check if I have any texts and surprisingly I do! I get giddy when I get texts, I think it has to do with the fact that my friends never text me. What amazing and caring friends I have. Anyways I have a text from Tiffany - my dog's vet and dog-sitter.

Tiffany.x: Hey Skylar! I hope you don't mind but I took Trixie in for a check up. Don't worry it's free of charge. We did some tests. I'll show you the results tomorrow.

Me: Okay, that's really kind of you. Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow then.

I get the feeling the results aren't going to be good. Trixie disappeared for a day and when I found her and brought her home she was very lazy and sleepy. I hope it's nothing serious. She's practically my baby.
I have another text from a number that I haven't contacted in the past 2 years, a number that I should've but didn't delete. I couldn't find it in myself to delete it.

It's funny how the same people I grew up with and cared so deeply for just tossed me under the bus and then had the nerve to tell me I brought it on myself. After claiming that they had my back and I could count on them. I shake off those thoughts and focus on reading the unexpected text..

N: Your hair looks cute shorter.

-Text received at 7:23 pm

Oh My Gosh. What the hell is this?! Is he here?

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