In The Beginning

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hey my name is Susie and im 16 life is pretty cool but I wish I was stronger, I know "I wish I could be a vampire" I said aloud I don't feel any different but it may take its time, I live with my family in stoke, I have my mum my dad and my baby sister, I wonder what its like being a vampire, I said it without even thinking, what about the werewolves they will try and kill me, I cant go back, the wish is done.

its been two days and I still don't feel any different, maybe I should try the vampire chant, "Blood red pale skin moonlight draw me in, quench my thirst coursing veins, let my body feel no pain" I have to repeat it ten times as the clock strikes midnight wile there is a full moon, good job that's tonight, this should definitely work, I feel a tingle rushing through my veins as my eyes go brighter, everything is so clear, I look in the mirror as my eyes slowly turn blood red, I crouch down in agony, not to make any noise, everyone's asleep, the pain stops, this is it my wish its happened I cant go back, I cant die, the only way I can die is if my head is torn off and my carcass burned, but I doubt that's ever going to happen, school tomorrow I wonder if people will notice, its a good job I have colourful contact lenses, my eyes are blue so this should be easy, my heart is no longer beating and my blood is no longer flowing, my skin ice cold and my eyes blood red, what do I do now, how do I hunt, I guess im just going to have to learn on my own.

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