Life as a vampire

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My wish has finally come true

I have always wanted to be a vampire and my wish has finally come true, but I hate it now, the sudden craves for blood, always being so cold I hate it all I want to do is return to my normal self, I wish I was me again.

Suddenly I realise I will never change back, I am happy my wish has come true, but I hate it, always wanting to kill someone just for blood I mean well that's no worth it, I hate that I can't be around anyone and I hate the way I am pale skinned and cold blooded sometimes I can handle it but it's just not nice well I just can't bare it any longer I wish my wish will brake.

Well it's time to go back to school now hope no one there will notice I have changed, hope that if they do they will still accept me for what I have become, a blood crazed monster I am getting used to it now, but I am still struggling but I know how to help my craving for blood all I have to do is hold my breath.

Abbie is coming over to me I am worried what she w... oh god "hi Abbie", I say

"oh hey Susie you ok", she replied

"Yes you" I said

"Yep" she said

"We'll I have to go Abbie" I told her

"Oh ok bye Susie" she said

As I was walking away I heared a voice behind me it was Chloe, I was halfway down the hall when she shouted "hi Susie"

"Sorry Chloe I can't really talk right now" I said continuing to walk Down the hall.

"Oh Ok" she sad in an upset voice,

I carried on walking down the hall.

I felt bad that I upset Chloe, but I couldn't talk I needed to get away from everyone I was worried I would have no friends if anyone found out my new identity.

The day went quick but I am back home now I am surprised no one noticed that I am pale and that I am cold, but no one really talked to me at all today and my mum and dad don't even know about me being a vampire.

Well it's my second day back at school and I have made my self look normal again. I can't help but run, I am worried everyone will find out because of this what if every one hates me and I know some of them are ware wolves because I can smell them they can probably smell me, this is what makes me worried.

Suddenly, all sorts are running through my head, theses wolves can kill me, they can smell me what if they tell, everyone will hate me, I will have no friends. then I made my self clear I can tell everyone myself that way they won't believe me no one ever believes me.

Over the next two houses I tell my friends we'll obviously they'll believe me they are my best friends, they believe everything I tell them I have told them not to tell anyone so it will stay a secret but I do not trust some of them, that's why I only told my true friends the ones I know who can keep secrets

That's what makes me happy I can tell them everything without them telling anyone they don't even tell me again or even my other mates this is what makes me proud of them, so I have mats now and I hope the ware wolves aren't in there otherwise they will probably kill me in front of everyone, well even if they tried I can fight them because don't forget vampires are strong and powerful monsters.

Life as a vampireWhere stories live. Discover now