{3} Lunch

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~Jude's POV~

I brought my lunch home parking the car I unbuckled my seat and got out of car. I walked to the front door unlocking the door. When I pushed opened the door Olaf was asleep and Nemo was probably in the kids room. I locked the front door back and placed keys on the hook by the door.

~Connor's POV~

I felt for the remote feeling the hard surface I changed the channel. Hearing Spanish women cry and yell was getting annoying. Sighing I ran my hands through my hair.
"Hey handsome."
I heard making me look to the door.
"Jude? Off so soon?"
I heard the door close and the remote leave my hands.
"I told you I would be back."
I smiled.
"Didn't believe you."
I teased then felt the bed move. Jude was moving towards me.
"Guess you should've. I only got a hour.."
I blushed lightly feeling his hand on my cheek.
"Less talking more touching."
I said moving my hands to his shoulder feeling it bare.
"You drive shirtless?"
Jude laughed before I felt his lips on mine.

~Jude's POV~

As he said he was shocked I showed up I took my shirt off and leaned down cupping his cheek.
"Guess you should've. I only got a hour..."
I frowned little upset about it.
"Less talking more touching."
Connor said back making me smile. I went to say okay but his hands touched my shoulder. I closed my eyes for a second thinking of him. We haven't done it since some nights when they kids sleep but now us in a empty house.
"You drive shirtless?"
"Yes now shut up."
I teased watching Connor move his hands up to my neck pulling me down.
"Then kiss me."
I grinned leaning down connecting our lips.

~Jax's POV~

He didn't recognize me right? I have new last name and don't wear glasses anymore. Walking in the hall as I showed him around I was nervous. Was he going to stuff me in a locker? Dad (Jude) said AJ (Callie's ex boyfriend) did this to someone once.
"And-d this is the lunch room."
I pointed to the door that held the cafeteria.
Todd finally spoke. Wow his accent got deeper with puberty.
"What grade are you in?"
I remembered Mama G Lena said we had similar classes.
Darn it.
"Oh cool. Me too."
I forced a smile and went to open the cafeteria door.
"Do I know you? You look--"
"Nope. Sorry wrong guy."
I lied opening the doors rushing in and first thing I saw was Alex in line for food.

~Connor's POV~

I sat up looking where I heard Jude get dressed.
"Why can't you call in sick?"
I frowned.
"They already saw me walk in the building I can't just leave for lunch and be sick."
"You won't even shower with me?"
I felt lips on mine making me pull him closer his hands on my cheeks and mine going up his now button up shirt.
"I can't or this will happen."
Jude said pulling away.
"Fxxking hell love it's not fair."
I sighed laying back closing my eyes just to see nothing but darkness.
"I know I'm sorry. Hey. I can get moms to watch the kids..or Jax can go over to Alex's.."
I said hopeful.
"No. We have my family coming over remember? Super Bowl Sunday?"
I sat up getting out of the sheets going to a drawer.
"Yeah I can't wait to see the Super Bowl. And totally can't wait to hear you guys laugh at the stupid card games."

~Jude's POV~

I know Connor was upset I had to work today but watching him get up from the bed I got worried.
"Yeah I can't wait to see the Super Bowl. And totally can't wait to hear you guys laugh at the stupid card games."
I frowned hearing him say that. I walked up to him after his boxers were on I placed my hand on his arm that was rested on the dresser.
"Connor I'm sorry. I wish I could rewind that night."
Connor laughed sitting up moving away.
"Why? If I didn't get blind you would've lost your arm and not be able to surf or skate."
"And you can't see so what? You still hear yes but I still wish I could undo it."
"Then why did you let me take the steering wheel huh?"
"I was sleepy I thought you saw something and you did see something a truck with logs on the back."
Connor frowned.
"Stop using that word!"
I flinched at his anger tone.
"Connor I'm sor--"
"That word too I don't need pity. Go back to work. I need a shower."
I watched him walk off I sighed. Sitting on the bed where we just made love and hear we are we just made a fight.

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