My birthday

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Two days ago when I watched the news I had been a little worried about my 14th birthday but now it's here and i'm ok. Mike was making breakfast down stairs I walk down stairs and go to the kitchen table. "Good morning my gorgeous 14 year old girl." Ok that was weird... "Morning" I said. Whats for breakfast?" He said we are having eggs and pancakes. "Ok that sounds great!" Later around 1:30 in the afternoon Mike came to my room and said come here I want to show you something. Mike took me to the basement and said that this was the day he was going to let me see what was behind the bars. I walk to the sheet and start pulling it down but Mike yelled "WAIT NOT YET. It has to be dark outside." Ok? That was really weird, maybe it's an animal or something. The clock roles up 4:30 and I tell Mike I was heading over to a friends. He came running to the door and told me I can't got. That this day was to special for me to leave the house. He locked the door when I walked away and nailed boards to the door. He covered all of the windows and basically covered all of the openings to the outside. I go upstairs to take a nap and around 7:35 Mike had waken me up and taken me down to the basement. "Whats going on? What are you doing? Let go of me your hurting me." Mike told me it was time for my surprise. He opened the bar doors and pushed me in. It was dark and cold and I was in shorts and a T-shirt. I took a look around and thought maybe he's got a really good surprise, maybe this is just all a joke. I walk to the wall and look for a door. I stepped on something that felt like skin I look down only to find in the moonlight a girl lying on the cold, hard floor. I scream and she screams. "Keep it down in there." Mike yells, I squat down and ask the girl why she was here, what was going on, and if she was trapped in here. She said her name was April Casteene, she was 14 years old, and she had claimed that he was her step-dad and he took her in this cage the day of her birthday along with her 4 sisters. I told her I was going to get us out of here but she didn't believe me. She said there was no way out and he would never let us out of this cage. I told her I had my cellphone in my pocket but she had said he shut wifi off. I told her I didn't need wifi to call anyone so I called my mother. "Mom help me, Mike has trapped me and 5 other girls in the basement and he won't let us out. The girls i'm with look like they haven't eaten for days. Call the police or something just get us out of here." "Kate i'm sure you are just upset with him. I told you to get along with Mike but you just won't listen. Goodbye Kate." No mom don't......She hung up. I called my friend Abrianna J. Timm and she found the cellar we were in, I told her to wait until my dad went upstairs to put the latter down. When Mike went upstairs to gut us bread and water Abri put the latter down and we all got out and ran. Ran as fast as we could until Mike realized we were gone and ran outside looked for us for a minute or two, found us and ran after us. We reached Abri's house and got the police on the phone. They thought we were just some teenage girls playing a trick on them. Abri's mother gave us some food and after we were done we went to bed but the 5 other girls stayed down stairs and ate almost all of the food in her kitchen. We all finally went upstairs to Abri's bedroom and we went to bed. Int he morning we wnt down stairs for breakfast because we smelt something good cooking. When we turned the corner to the kitchen Mike was making food and Abri's mom was tied to a char and her mouth was duck taped shut. We all sat down and began to eat and try to get information out of Mike. Well that was not so hard. "You see girls, I take young girls and put them in that cage so I can take there young minds and cut them open to see what there brains look like. I can't trust pictures because they might not be the real deal so I like to look myself." I sat in my chair almost ready to cry but I can't let him think I'm a weak little girl so I don't. "Why do you only use girls, why don't you use boys AND girls?" Mike said that he has always liked boys better than girls since his daughter hated him. He took us back to the cage when we were done eating and this time he blocked ALL exit's and there was no way out. We tried to call someone once we were in but realized Mike had taken my phone, all of our phones. "Looking for these?" Mike was getting ready to take the weakest girl but I remembered this from before. I remembered it all. I don't know how or why but I do. In my dreams I've seen this in my dreams. "April in the left corner over that way there is a small hand gun, go grab it and bring it to me as soon as Mike leaves." I know this now. I have this power it has been passed down in my family for over 300 years. I'm so lucky that I had gotten my powers that day. I know why that day was so special now. I know why I was not aloud out side. I also had this projection power that I was able to be in one place and another at the same time. April grabbed the gun once Mike was upstairs and I had projected up to the kitchen. Mike turned and spilled water everywhere and threw bread all the way across the room. Making the kitchen a big mess. I held up the gun and shot "One, Two, Three" I opened my eyes he was on the ground. His head was shot his stomach and his arm. I had killed Mike, or so I thought. Mike got up and was perfectly fine. He had the power of regeneration. "I know why mother didn't take me. It's because I refused, because I was scared." I was back in the cage three or four seconds after I had figured out that I didn't ask to go but she had asked me and I said no. I'm back in the cage now and I have seen this small exit door. We all go through the door but it was NOT an exit door it was a little room like someone had lived in there. In the room there was a door to the outside so we all went out. It was raining now. The sirens had gone off and there it was. A big black sky. We all went back to my house, Me still holding the gun, The 5 sisters huddling together like penguins, and Abri holding my hand and squeezing real tight. We all snuck up to my room without mike seeing us. We got to the kitchen and grabbed food. We grabbed as much as we could fit in our backpacks and I grabbed then survival backpack and then we left. We all go to an abandon house thats a gorgeous house but its in bad shape down stairs so we grab work stuff from my dads room, well I ran back home snuck in his room and grabbed all of his tools and ran to the back yard for the wood we had been stocking up. I ran back to the house without being noticed by Mike. I got to my new home and we all started working. 10:35 rolled around and we all went upstairs to the beds.

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