Chapter 2:Meeting

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(Milkey P.O.V)
As I slowly open my eyes and look up
I see a cealing this is not the cave
I get up slowly and see Sunny sleeping curled up in a ball
I pet sunny a little
Then I look around at the room
Suddenly a girl looking about my age with short blond hair walks in
Hello she says
He..lo I say back
(Cali POV)
As I'm walking in the woods I see a girl in a pinkish,lavender frilly dress asleep on a pile of rough leaves and beside her a small yellow cat
So I picked up the girl who was surprisingly light and put the sleeping cat in my bag and carry them to my house then after I got there me and my mom put her in my bed
Who is she I wondered
Then I see that she is clutching a small object that is a music box
I place it on my bedside
My mom makes some soup
I stare intensly at the girl
My mom comes in and tells me to come help her and stop staring at the girl
So I reply back give me a min
I think to myself she looks about my age and she has straight brown hair with a couple of pink strands in the back hmm I say and I walk out quitely shutting the door
*That's the end they will transform next chapter*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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