The Ball Drop

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The Ball Drop
Request for fieldmark346
A/N: THE AVENGERS SERIES IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED. I know it's said "Closed" on it for a while but I still took requests because I wasn't very overwhelmed. The SPN series has slowed down but it's still going, and I have the OTP challenge and I've now opened requests for the Harry Potter One Shots. So Avengers is officially closed.
"could you do a natasha and reader fic were they celebrate new years avengers style and you constantly try to get your girlfriend natasha under the mistletoe to kiss her at midnight and when you do all the guys just stare at the 2 hot girls making out."

Natasha wasn't big on public displays of affection. She would occasionally hold your hand, and on dates she would wrap an arm around you because she knew it reminded you that she loved you. But she avoided kissing or anything intimate. She preferred to save that for the privacy of your bedroom.
The team knew about your relationship. Their acceptance had never been an issue. You clicked with Nat and Clint the most when you met the team, and he was the first person to learn of your crush on the redhead and her crush on you. He spent months trying to get the two of you together and was very adamant about being the one responsible when you finally became a couple.

The holidays were still rolling through, and you were spending them with the Avengers. Thanksgiving and Christmas had gone smoothly, with fancy parties and tons of food and gifts. You had made matching Santa hats for Natasha and yourself so you could wear them while passing out gifts. Repeated trips to the store had been made in order to stock up on eggnog and candy canes, and there was still plenty left over when New Year's came around.
The Christmas tree was still upright and decorated in the main living room of the Tower. Rainbow, twinkling, and icicle lights were tacked around the room in the creases between the walls and the ceiling. You had taken dozens of photos with you and each member of the team, plus a few with all of you together and several of just you and Nat. She normally wasn't big on photos either, but for the holidays, and for you, she gave in.
You were all gathered in the main living room in preparation for the New Year's ball drop. Several bottles of wine, champagne, sparkling cider, and other liquors cluttered the kitchen and living area. You had made sure to leave the branch of mistletoe stapled above the doorway, often catching a couple of the guys walking under it. They were all good sports about it, offering each other a peck on the cheek to keep everyone's spirits up. Many of the guys had walked through with their ladies, so kissing in front of everyone wasn't a problem then.
You had a champagne glass in your hand as you sat on the couch. You took sips from it every now and then, not wanting to get too intoxicated before the countdown. You were trying to plan ways to get Natasha under the mistletoe. She didn't mind a kiss here and there, especially in the safety of the Tower. She had explained that she just didn't like being physical in public, surrounded by strangers. She had no problem kissing and cuddling around friends. You knew that if you asked her, she would kiss you under the branch no problem. But the entire fun purpose of the tradition was to catch someone off guard and on the spot, so you wanted to sneakily lead her there without her being conscious of your intention.
"We forgot the sparklers," you noticed, looking around. "I'll go get them." You rose from the couch, leaving your champagne on the coffee table, and headed down the hall to the storage room where all of the fireworks were waiting to be lit.

You padded back into the room a few minutes later, looking at the packages in your hands. Just as you lifted your gaze to the room before you, warm hands cupped your face and soft lips pressed against yours. You dropped the sparklers and rested your hands on Natasha's hips, pulling her close and returning the kiss passionately. You heard Tony wolf whistling in the background, followed by what sounded like Pepper smacking his shoulder. You smirked into the kiss and nibbled Nat's lower lip, causing her to growl softly and pull you closer. Her hands fell from your face, wrapping around your waist possessively. You slid your hands up her sides and neck to her face, one hand holding her neck while the other reached up to tangle in her hair. She sighed contently against your lips before pulling back for air.
"That's what I call holiday spirit!" Clint cheered before downing his beer. You chuckled softly as you looked back at Nat.
"What was that for?" you asked, still holding her neck.
She glanced up, causing you to do the same. Your eyes widened when you realized you were standing in the doorway beneath the mistletoe.
"I know you wanted to catch me here," she said with a small smirk. "I thought I'd take the initiative."
You grinned and leaned in to peck her lips again. "You're the best."
She knelt down to pick up the sparklers that you'd dropped, reaching out to grab your hand and lace your fingers before heading back into the room. She set the packages on the coffee table for people to grab and light as they wanted them. You sat on the couch beside her and rested your legs in her lap. Her arms wrapped around your waist, holding you against her chest as Tony turned on the wall-sized flat screen TV so you could all watch the ball drop in the city.
Excited and in the holiday spirit, you leaned against Nat's side and counted down with the news. Everyone shouted along with you, and when you got to "one," Natasha cupped your face and turned it to look at her. You smiled as she leaned in and captured your lips, and the ball drop was forgotten as everyone turned to watch you and the redheaded assassin making out on the couch.

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