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I don't know how else to ask you to stop correcting the details of my story without being a bitch. If I'm come across as bitchy, them I'm sorry, but there isn't much else I can do. In case you haven't noticed, fanfiction doesn't always follow canon plotlines. I write stories about Phil Coulson and Pietro Maximoff when they're supposed to be dead, but no one complains about that. If I've gotten a detail wrong, then you're free to comment something like "Hey, just so you know..." or "Hey, I don't know if anyone mentioned it..." Don't attack me with "No, that's not right" or "That's not how it goes in the comics." I follow the movies, not the comics, and I have warned you time and time again that there are movies I've only seen once and characters I don't know as well, so I can't guarantee that every detail will be great. I do my best, and I feel bad when I've made a mistake, but I'm tired of being attacked because either my story doesn't pan out the exact way you think it should or because you got offended over a stupid line I wrote. Maybe I should be more sensitive about pleasing my readers, but everyone I've ever written a request for has loved it, so I'm not really worried. It's never been a requester complaining about the details falling out of canon. And, hello, if you want a perfectly canon story, why are you reading reader inserts anyway? You sure as hell weren't in the comics.

I've dealt with a lot of haters, from being over sensitive when I called Justin Bieber fans "weirdos" or arguing with a plot detail (when the REQUEST SPECIFICALLY SAYS THAT DETAIL HAS TO BE IN THERE), to complaining because I didn't write you wearing your hair the way you like or I wrote you wearing the wrong color. For the most part, I leave it open, like that you're wearing a (f/c) top and listening to (f/music). That means you're welcome to replace the parenthesis with whatever color or band or whatever you like. It doesn't even have to be your favorite, but that's the shortest way to write it.

I'm sorry if you disliked a detail, but I can't fucking please everybody, and I'm tired of being attacked because the story didn't go exactly the way it should. I put days of effort and thought into every single one shot and I like to think I do a pretty good job. I'm an argumentative person, so if you complain, I will more than likely argue with you and it will probably sound rude. It fucking happens. I'm not going to baby you and apologize every time you dislike part of my story. It sucks that you disliked it, but move on. I have hundreds of one shots in several different fandoms. I'm sure there are some you like. And if you really don't like them, then don't read them. I've quit reading several stories without finishing because I didn't like the plot or how it was written or whatever. You don't have to read the whole thing just because you clicked the title, and you don't have to leave a bitchy comment just because an insignificant detail offended you.

Thank you for reading this and my stories, and I apologize if I've offended you or you've quit reading. That sucks.

For those of you who still read, all requests are open (though the Avengers series still has regulations), and you are more than welcome to submit a request. You don't have to have a plot - just a love interest, or if you'd prefer it to be a family story, who you want to be related to/friends with. That's all the detail I need.

I love you guys, really. Thanks.

- Daisy Erina (is tired of your shit)

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