My Mate vs. My Brother

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Cam's POV:
I groan as I placed my hand on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes, allowing my eyes to adjust to the sunlight. I gasped at the sight before me. Simon and Grey stood in front of me, both ignoring each other. I shifted away from both of them. Two mad werewolves are not good. "Cam." Simon approached me, throwing his arms around my neck, he whispered in my ear. "I love you." I smiled and noticed how Grey stiffened. I let go of Simon and started looking at my hands as if they are the most interesting things in the world. I heard Grey get closer and he just sat in front of me. I still ignored him. Grey gently placed two fingers under my chin, making me look into his beautiful eyes. Why? Why him? I'm a lesbian! This shouldn't be possible!
"Cammy, I'm sorry about what I did before. My mistakes are horrible and I wish that I could go back and change them. I'm sorry, Camz." Grey apologized, a tear falling down his face. I felt myself get emotional too. I reached up and gently brushed away the stray tear.
"Please don't cry." I croaked. He leaned into my touch and I leaned into his.
"You have to go." Simon's gruff voice sounded. I stiffened again and let my hand fall. I also moved away from Grey so we weren't touching any more.
"Simon." I warned. Simon shook his head and grabbed Grey roughly making me whimper slightly. What?! He's my mate! They both shifted at the same time and started growling at each other. My eyes widened at this and I shifted too. I moved between them, growling at both of them, telling them to back off, but Simon swiped and scratched me. I whimpered and backed up into Grey who licked my ear, showing his affection. I whined and nudged Grey's side. We both left the house, leaving behind my sad brother. I'm sorry.

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