Chapter 6

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Sorry it's taking so long. I write and publish when I feel like it, so if your expecting a new chapter each week then you're out of luck. But I try my best to find time...and remember to write more and publish. But enough talk, here is chapter six! First comment get the dedication! Enjoy!

Love y'all,



Chapter 6

I see a girl. She has her back to me but I can tell she is shaking with fear. I try to call to her but she doesn’t seem to hear me. We are in the woods and she is alone. A shadow suddenly rises from the darkness. It looms over the girl making her knees wobble.

“If you have what I want I will spare you.” The shadow said with ice slicing through his words.

“I…I do…” The girl muttered, “But you have to promise to give me what I want too.”

“Alright, now give me the Orealino staff, Laura.” The shadow demanded with greedy eyes.

The girl clapped her hands together and as she pulled them apart, she produced the staff.

I could not believe my eyes. It was the same staff.

Laura handed the dark figure the staff.

“Now fulfill your side of the deal, Relenius.” Laura said with as much confidence as she could manage.

Relenius popped out a small bottle of something from his satchel and gave it to her.

“Just be warned that once a mortal drinks this, there is no going back. Only one person can drink it and they must finish it. Do not share even one drop.” Relenius gave her the warning before melting back into the shadows of the woods.

Laura looked at the fizzing liquid in the bottle then looked straight at me.

“I think we should share it.” Laura said.

“Wha-“ I stuttered.

“But he said not to share it.” A voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw another girl, probably in her teens, walk straight through me toward Laura.

“Think of it, Jenna, we could have immortality!” Laura said exasperatingly, “Why do you always have to be such a goody-goody?”

“I meant there must be a reason he told us not to share it.” Jenna babbled nervously, “What if one of us gets hurt?”

“Just take a risk for once, Jenna,” Laura said, already popping open the bottle, “What’s the worst that could happen, I mean seriously.”

“Uh, we could die!” Jenna cried helplessly but it was obvious that Laura wasn’t going to listen.

Laura put the bottle up to her lips.

She took a gulp.

Laura was silent for a moment.

“Laura? Are you okay?” Jenna muttered.

Laura started to choke.

“Oh my gosh, Laura!” Jenna ran over to her.

“I…gotcha!” Laura said jokingly, “See? I’m still alive and I feel fine. Try it, we could have immortality!”

“I guess it seems okay,” Jenna pondered, “Are you sure about this?”

“Positive.” Laura answered. She didn’t seem like the trembling girl I just saw a few minutes ago.

Jenna took the bottle from her hesitantly and sipped the bubbling liquid.

Suddenly she dropped to her knees and started gasping for air frantically.

“Jenna?!” Laura’s eyes widened, “Are you okay?!...wait a minute.” Laura said suspiciously. “You’re just trying to get back at me. I see what you’re doing. Touché, sister, touché.”

 But Jenna didn’t stop or laugh. She really was in pain as she clung onto the grass and breathed like she just ran a mile.

“Okay, that’s enough, Jenna,” Laura said starting to realize that something was really wrong, “It was funny a few minutes ago so you can stop now.”

But Jenna didn’t stop. She lay on the ground clinging onto the grass, breathing frantically and shaking her head desperately, trying to tell Laura that she wasn’t playing around.

Suddenly Jenna went completely still.

“Jenna…please tell me you’re just joking…” Laura said nervously. “Oh no…no, no, no.”

Laura bent down next to her sister and took her hand to check her pulse.

She dropped Jenna’s wrist and slowly backed away, her face as pale as snow.

“What have I done?” Laura muttered in disbelief.

Laura turned around and sprinted into the woods, screaming as she went.

I want to run after her but my legs feel like they are melting into the grass.

I watch helplessly as Jenna just lays there silently.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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