¥705 a hour

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After I spent the rest of they day with the club I realized they are as cool as Haruhi says. They get annoying at times but I kinda dig it. (A/N sorry I know saying 'I dig it' is kinda weird but its how I talk) The walk home felt short as Haruhi and I talked to whole way about my first day and how I liked being back. I asked her about when she realized she liked Tamaki. She said there was a time when he was gonna leave to paris and she told me the story I started to cry. But when she finished the story we were already home.
"So Kiwi do you find any of the boys attractive?" She said smirking at me as she opened the door to our small apartment.
"Why yes my little Munchkin I do!" I said tapping her head as we sat at the table.
"Well who?" She said breaking the 30 second silence.
"That's for me to know and you to find out !" I said smirking at her
"Kiwwiiiii tell meeeeee!" She said whining goodness she sounds like Tama-chan
"Ok ok I'll give you a hint, he has darker hair and is taller than me and keeps his feelings to himself." I said trying to make her get confused with either Mori or Kyoya.
"So it's either Kyoya or Mori?" She said with a sweat drop.
"Yup and that's all you get until I'm ready to tell you!" I said closed eye smiling at her. "I'm tired!" I said falling onto my small bed.
The next morning our Father/Mother came home from his shift at the bar.
"KIWWIIIII!" He yelled when he seen me come out of the bathroom, he tackled me to the ground with a hug.
"Hi Pama, your breath smells horrible maybe you should go in the bathroom" I say laughing and holding my nose.

(A/N: Mapa is his/her new nick name because he/she is a father and mother so Pa-Ma)

Mapa pretended to cry as he walked into the bathroom.
"Haruhi hurry we gotta go!" She always taken forever to leave, even when we were kids.
"Ok, ok I'm ready" She said meeting me at the bottom of the stairs. As we started walking I started to think about getting a job, and where could I work. I remember seeing help wanted signs when I went to the store the other day.
"Haruhi, how hard do you think it would be to find a job around here?"
"Very hard! I've tried to find one before but they require a lot for these businesses."
"Well maybe I could find something. "
"Yeah maybe"
As we got to school we split up and said we would see each other later. When I got to my homeroom I saw Kyoya and Tamaki arguing.
"No Tamaki we can't we -" " Why hello Kinaki it's nice to see you this morning" Kyoya stopped talking to Tamaki to talk to me.
"Thanks Kyoya Senpai it nice to see you too, and hello Tama-chan. I heard you guys arguing I could help if you need."
"That would be grand of you! Do you know how to bake and make tea?" Tamaki asked me.
"Yes of course!" I say
"Well today we need help with those two things we can pay you ¥700 a hour. " Kyoya said looking into his book.
"Most definitely I wasn't doing anything after school anyways."
As the bell rang we took our seats and class began. All day I was thinking about how much I love baking and I would've did it for free but getting payed is a bonus! When school ended I went straight to the host club and meet Kyoya and The Twins in the dressing room.
"Why are we back here?" I asked
" Well today is a themed day and we have a costume for you!" The Twins said handing me this maid costume.
"Today is the game of clue, and your one of the suspects even though you'll be serving and cooking for the guests." Kyoya said smiling "Also because we didn't tell you your pay has went up ¥5"
"Ok I'm cool with that!" I went into the dressing room and put on my costume. I looked really hot. I came out and all the guys and Haruhi were shocked, with their jaws on the ground.
"So where am I cooking?"
"Follow me " Kyoya Said taking my hand.


(A/N Hey guys I just realized that the character was making practically nothing, so I had to change 15 yen to 700 yen because minimum wage in japan is 848. So to be a little more accurate I had to change the story.)

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