[The Abduction]

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Jack and I both woke up, we were both naked but a slimy substance was covering our privater areas, my breasts were covered also. I looked around, everything I saw was advanced technology, why wouldn't it be? We are in a UFO. Jack looked at me terrified for his life, I couldn't use my special powers or abilities. I sighed, I'm completely useless now and I'm weak, I can't save us now. The one time I need to use them, I can't. Maybe if I get out somehow I'll be able to get to the controls of the UFO and get us back home, there's a strong chance that these aliens have a map of the explored universe somewhere. I tried getting out of the slimy substance, but it was strong, like rubber, vacuumed sealed to our skin. I kept trying to get out of it, Jack watched me, "it's useless", he said. "What? We have to try!" I felt tears fill up my eyes, is this the end? Jack looked away, his face was emotionless yet it was sad at the same time. "We have to try, please, we-", he cut me off. "I have to tell you something", he said seriously, he looked at me, I stared at him, wondering what he was going to say. "I'm technically not human, when I was a young teenager, my mother cut my head open, I had just woken up, she took out my brain and replaced it, with an alien brain", he said, my eyes widened, he was just like me... was this a setup of some sort? By the aliens putting us together at some point to make it easier to take us both in? And was it a setup by the government to replace our brains?

"I am too, my mother did the same thing to me", I said without thinking. Oh god, what if he was joking? What if he doesn't believe me? He blinked slowly at me, like I was crazy, or lying. He just smiled at me, he looked down at the grey coloured floor. "Do you believe me?" I asked, maybe he was laughing because it was something he made up, or I sounded completely ridiculous. "I do believe you, it's just funny how we both managed to meet.. I can't use my powers here", he said with a small sigh and his smile disappeared as if it was never there in the first place. I looked around, "I can't either, we must be in a room where we can't use them", I said, I tried not to blink so I would not miss anything that I'm looking at. "Maybe if we try hard enough to get out of this rubbery substance, and we do get out, we can fight back against the aliens and try to go back home", I suggested as my gaze landed back on him. "Yeah, we can try", he tried getting out of the substance, I tried also, again.

After countless minutes, a rip happened in the rubbery substance on Jack's thigh. "Yes!" He shouted in a whisper. I smiled widely when it happened, he was breathing heavily from all the struggling he was doing. He lifted his leg and his leg went through the hole he has made. He slipped his other leg through, and minutes later, he slid it out and was free from the grasp, he was naked but I didn't care, or even noticed, I just wanted to get out of this place, survival. He ran over to me, I made no progress what so ever. With his teeth, he ripped a spot on my ankle and once I moved my foot around, I was able to make the hole bigger. I soon slipped out and I was naked as well, but I didn't care nor notice. He hugged back and held me close by surprise. I hugged him back and sighed happily, we are one step closer to getting out together. We soon let go of each other and looked around for a way out of this large room that was weirdly shaped, the ceiling was so high above us, the more you stared up at it the smaller and smaller it looked. The walls were slanted outward and the ground wasn't smooth, it was slanted and curved all sorts of ways, it was weird to walk on. I soon saw an outline of a door and ran over to it as Jack followed me. I tried running fast but the ground made it really hard to do even such simple tasks. It felt forever to even get to the outlined door, if it was one.

When we got there, there was no handle to twist, nothing to pull on. Jack tried kicking it down but nothing worked, soon I got tired of trying, I tried pulling on the small crack, Jack did the same thing to try to make it open. It made a creaking sound and we opened it enough for us to slide through, I slid in through after Jack did, once we were out of that room, I felt my power come back and I looked around again, Jack smiled. "There it is..", he whispered but then alarms went off, his smile disappeared, he grabbed my hand and ran, I followed him, it seems as if we were only allowed to use some powers now, not all, because I couldn't run fast like I was able to before. He turned right, then left, it felt like a maze, the walls were close together, maybe it was, the walls were incredibly tall also, the ceiling had tons of spikes on them, if we were to mess up in this maze, will the spikes come crashing down? We kept running, "there are spikes on the roof", I pointed out, he looked up at the ceiling, he growled low and looked back ahead of him. He stopped running, I stopped behind him, I looked over his shoulder, at the end of this 'hallway', an alien was standing there. The alien was tall, very tall, probably 10 feet tall. It was very skinny as well, it had grey shiny skin, like slimy sliver. It's head was large and it's eyes were huge, the mouth small and it only had two holes in the middle, I'm guessing to breathe. 

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