I brought the pizzas to the guys but when but when I got to the living room they were all gone without a sound "guys?!?" No answer "I am gonna eat your pizzas!" I still got no answer so I took a slice out of the box that had a dancing pizza picture on it. "My pizza!!!" I heard Louis scream "oh great you got slobber on it. Yuck!" All the boys skipped happily in the living room with smiles on their faces. "Here take the slobbered piece." Louie told me and slumped back on the couch. "Here is your pizza pieces." Niall gave me one of each of the boys pizza slices."thank you." I sat down eating pizza that I was given. After every one ate the pizza we ordered 5 more pizzas. "Time for spin the bottle!" harry yelled I had never seen harry so happy. We all sat in a circle and had a bottle in the middle. Lou on my left and Niall on my right and harry spun first and it landed on Louie. I pulled out my phone and pretended to take a picture of me and Niall and snapped the shot right as they were kissing. "My turn!!" I screamed I spun it and it landed on Laim I leaned in and kissed him it was just a small peck on the lips and sat down. Ding-dong "pizza!!" Lou yelled running to the door to pay for pizza. "Did you like it?" Harry whispered in my ear. "no why do you ask? Are you jealous?!?"
"No just wanted you to save some lip action for me is all."
He replied with his world famous smile
"Ok future lover."
" ah ha! I knew I would be it!"
He screamed and ran to Louie. When they came back with the pizza I was being watched with every thing I did. Louie even tried following me to the bathroom it freaked me out a lot. "What is wrong are you guys scared I am gonna steal something?!?" I screeched because I was fed up with them following me around. "No love we just don't want you to get hurt."Laim cooed
"How the hell is a sober person going to get hurt with out any shoes?" I asked trying to understand why they were like this.
"Um we just thought that the hell angle boys would be back and try to take you away against your will." Niall spoke this time and hugged me.
"I'm going to get some whiskie from the freezer do you girls wanna do some shots?" I looked at their shocked expressions
"Please I am Irish." Niall.
"I was born to drink."sang by Louis.
"Duh." Liam.
"The better to get freaky!" Harry. I laughed at their replys and took Niall to help me with the shot glasses and the bottle.
"I like how you are not like normal girls who ware dresses, ware make up and gossip about who is dating who." He hugged me and pulled me to him. "Do you like drinking and being like a boy?"
I smiled "I have been drinking since I was 11 and smoking weed since I was 13. Its just natural you know?" He didn't answer just smiled and kissed my nose then left with the shots and I followed
"Let's drink girl friends!" I screamed in my fake girl voice. Laim lined up the shots for all of us to down. 1.....2.....3 we all downed our shots. After we all down the last shots out of the bottle all the boys but Harry fell asleep.
"I am ready for our deal." Harry whispered in my ear. "ok let's go."

Some One Who Use To Be No One
FanfictionOne direction FAN fiction A girl named dakota gos to high school in Hollywood with one direction even tho they are not famous yet