Aisha POV
So today I decided to take the children to the zoo since we haven't been out for awhile. "Ma Ma monkey" Adrain pointed out.
I laughed " Yeah monkey". I looked back and saw Heaven on her phone. She was in to it to not even looking up.
"Sorry" she said bumping into somebody. See that's what she gets. "Gimmie ya phone" I said shaking my hand.
She looked up to me giving me a confused look. "You heard me" She sighed rolled her eyes and handed me her phone.
"I took y'all here to have family time and you wanna be on ya phone. Who was you texting anyway ?". I asked her.
"Nobody" she said dryly. I knew ha ass was lying "You was texting that boy wasn't you ?".
"I'm not playing with you little girl. You and that la' boy been getting to got damn close and I honestly don't trust his ass. If I find out you doing something with this boy I swear I will..."
"You will do what ?" She said cutting me off.
" luh' if you cut me off one more got damn time I'm gonna throw ya ass in with them lions ya hear me" I said pointing my finger at ha.
"Mmhmm". She mumbled. "I said do you hear me".
"Yes ma'am I hear you".
"Good now let's go get ya brother and sister some ice cream".
I rolled them over to the ice cream cart and bought them some ice cream.
??? POV
"Look nigga I said I was gonna get you out soon so I am. This what we gonna do M is gonna be gone for awhile because his moms sick so that's our chance to get you free".
I nodded my head hearing everything he's saying. "So what's the plan".
"When he leave I'm gonna get you out that's all". I could feel that he was getting angry and I was tired of his bullshit.
"Ion't think that's a good plan" I said honestly.
"Look I got this you wanna be with ya family or not". I sighed and nodded my head. "Okay then let me do my fucking job"He said walking out.
I laid back in my raggedy ass bed. If this plan don't fucking work ima find a way out of here myself iont care.
I just miss my family Fo'real thought I been in this shit like a prison for to damn long and I'm getting tired of this shit.
But don't worry I'm gonna be outta here soon....
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile school and stuff so yeah.
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Something about that August Alsina (Second book to baby daddy)
De TodoThis is the second official book to my first series baby daddy. If you haven't read that one I advise you do instead of reading this one. More drama more lies come into action in this book. Will Aisha ever see August again ? Will they all be a happy...