Aisha POV
I awoke to somebody kissing my cheek I slowly opened my eyes and there stood August smiling from ear to ear.
"Baby" I yelled as I wrapped my arms around him. He chuckled "I missed you too". A tear dropped on my shoulders I looked up and saw him crying.
He pulled me closer and our lips was inches apart.
"Mommy" "Ma". I grunted while Heaven woke me up from my beautiful dream. "Good morning". I said sitting up. "Somebodies on the phone".
I rolled my eyes as she gave me the phone and left out. "Hello" I said into the phone. "Hi is this Mrs. Alsina". The person said into the phone.
"This is she who is this". I asked.
"This is Mr.Clarkson we got into an accident yesterday". He said into the phone.
"Oh yeah". "You called my office yesterday. You said you needed to give me the car damage bill".
"Yes I told that to your assistant".
"Okay would you drop it off or send it in the mail". He asked. "I'm sure I will send it in the mail".
"Okay I will text you the address". "Thank you". I said.
"Your very welcome". And with that he hung up I rolled over in bed and realized it was 7 in the morning I had a half an hour to get the kids ready and me ready for work.
I crawled out of my comfortable bed and walked into my shower. While in the shower I realized that the twins birthday was next week and I know days like that they wished there father was here.
After a quick shower I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I quickly got dressed in appropriate clothes. I walked into the twins room and they was wide awake giggling.
"Hey my little babies". I said kissing each of there cheeks. I walked inside of there bathroom and ran them some warm water. "Y'all ready for a bath ?" I asked them and they replied by laughing.
"Dada". They both said. I sighed "Dada isn't here".
I picked them both up and sat them in the warm water. I sat down by the tub and gave them there toys as they played I added shampoo to both of there heads.
"Stop Mani". Adrian said while Mani splashed water in his face. Mani giggled she's such an agitator. I cleaned them both up and put them both in there towel. I cleaned up the tub while they walked back into the bedroom.
"Guess what's next week". I asked them .
They put there finger on there head like they was thinking. "What ?" They both said in sync. "Y'all birthday is next week". They jumped up and down my twins gonna be turning four and hopefully they will be going to school next year.
"How old will y'all be ?". I asked them. "Uh 4". Adrian said. I nodded my head "Goodjob". I said giving Adrian a high five.
"I want one". Mani said . I gave her a high five to. I got them both dress in some pretty clothes and we went down stairs. "Heaven !!!" I yelled up the steps.
"Coming". She said back. I continued fixing the twins some cereal. I put there bowls in front of them and watch them eat. Heaven came down the steps with the littlest shorts and shirts I ever saw a 14 year old wear.
While she walked in the kitchen I just stared at her. "What ?". She asked me. "What ? How old is you ?" I asked her.
"I'm 14 !" she said back. "Right your 14 why you dressed like that ?"
Heaven rolled her eyes. "Maaaaa. I like it that's why". "Mmhmm and you can continue liking it when you take it off. Look like you wearing your little sisters clothes".

Something about that August Alsina (Second book to baby daddy)
عشوائيThis is the second official book to my first series baby daddy. If you haven't read that one I advise you do instead of reading this one. More drama more lies come into action in this book. Will Aisha ever see August again ? Will they all be a happy...