You have it then lose it

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The next day I wake on my bed head pounding, it's not like I was sleeping, but the words Sean said sticked to my mind like glue "You better watch out". When I talked to myself I was like man this kid a joke but when I thought about it...... I was frighten afraid of losing the girl I tried so hard to win over but never succeed. I think to myself and say hey if things are gonna happened just like it be. I get ready thinking about how school funna be like. I get my book bag and head out the door while my parents are still sleeping, I run knowing about the dangerous dogs on my street. The school I go to ain't that far about two blocks away from home. I walk in looking for anyone to talk to remembering what Sean said "Yo better watch out" just pound in my head like a sound of fire cracks in the distances. I walk up the stairs noticing two of the girls I mainly talk to Jay and Abby, but also noticed Mia, Mia was in the middle of them talking and laughing. Mia is the only reason why I stay in this school I would never survive with out seeing her. I was about to walk up and talk to her when I saw behind her was Sean he looked at me with a intense gaze from a far like I just killed his parents. I turned away and walk down the stairs to the get some water from the down stairs to get to the water fountain and think to myself why is Mia dating a guy that can't treat her right. It's just not fair I say out loud, I see you I get the best feeling ever I feel like I'm at my best around you. It's not right I say, but I just wash my face and went back upstairs the first person I look at is you then you look at me and give me that annoyed that's so funny to see on some one else but not when it's given to me. I walk away with my head down at my locker getting my books and going inside the class room.
Then Kaitlin one of Sean's ex girlfriends and my sister in school walks in, I always go to her for advice but I stopped after all that beef between her and Mia. Kaitlin and Mia were best friends but they drifted apart. They almost had a fight they cursed at each other it was bad. Kaitlin was  a nice funny tall cute girl that I had a crush on. Suddenly the bell rings I get up being the first one to leave then get pulled to the floor, guess who Sean, Sean pulled me and laughing and Mia laughing was too. I walk in the class hoping to watch a video so no one will notice me but I was wrong. I walk to my seat and sat. I was just doing what I always do staring at Mia from the corner of my eye even if she doesn't smile at when she smiles at someone else her dimples come out which are just adorable to gaze out. The classes end fast when you have something interesting to look at. I go to my locker and then wait for my turn I walk pass Mia with her right in front of me face to face eye to eye I promise I wanted to kiss her, and I would have if she was not dating Sean.

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