Chapter Five - Him

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I looked up to only see him. You must be wondering who the hell this 'him' guy is right, well him is known as Bradley Evans aka my high school crush. "Brad?" I replied (I was in shock of course) "Iris! Oh my god it's so good to see a familiar face!" "Brad?" I repeat "Iris! Of course it's me! How the hell did you end up here?!" I couldn't handle it what the hell was HE doing here? "Um sorry Brad, it was nice seeing you but I have to go" I put my head down and walked in the direction I came, "Iris wait" I heard him call before I turned the corner.

What the hell! How did Bradley Evans end up here! Oh god this can't be happening, "It's no real! It's not real! It's not real Iris!" I screamed. How can it be?! I'm pacing now, (I never pace unless I'm really upset or confused) how the hell did he end up in the same place as I did! How?! I just need to know how?! "Deep breaths Iris, In. Out. In. Out" Okay just pinch yourself I thought you're just dreaming! "Why Bradley? WHY?!" I yelled into space, I just couldn't believe it! I should go back and find him I thought to myself but when I checked the clock in my room it was past curfew so I just had to wait until next week.

He was a nightmare, that's why I was so scared.

Hey, again sorry the chapters are so short, I'm just getting smashed with homework, but hopefully you guys are enjoying the story so far! xx

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