##Sorry for the short chapter, il try to make the next one extra long.##
**Day of Prom**
Anna woke up to the blanket being forcefully pulled off her very warm and comfortable body. "If you don't put that back, I will claw your eyes out," she said her eyes narrowing into cat slits as she looked at friend of 14 years. Lucifer just laughed and waited patiently for her to get up. When she just grabbed another blanket from the side of the bed, he thought he should say something. "We have to go get your nails done. Then we have to get your hair done. Next would be makeup, and we still have to find you shoes." He said enthusiastically trying to persuade her to leave her bed.
"What time is it any way," Anna questioned as she stretched her under used muscles from her night sleep.
"10 in the morning. You already have a nail and hair appointment ready at 11."
"UGGG. Fine, let me take a shower and then we can leave." Anna said as she grabbed her towel, which conveniently ended up hitting him upside the head. After her quick shower, she brushed her long hair, she always thought about cutting it but could never work up the nerve. Next she brushed her teeth, and wrapped herself in a towel and walked out into her room, that no longer held Lucifer in, 'he was probably in the kitchen' she thought, after grabbing a matching bra and pantie set, she threw on some black shorts with white a t-shirt that had a black dog on it, she never really bothered trying to blend in out in public, she never really went anywhere she would be especially noticed like school. She put on some black and white high top converse grabbed her keys and made it down stairs in time to see Lucifer putting on his shoes.
In the car they talked about mundane things, sang a little. They made it just in time for her appointment. She decided on stiletto nails in a dark blue mate color. Her hair was to be kept down at its extremely long length and to have soft curls throughout the style. After all her pampering was complete they, went to a shoe store, and she spent the next hour trying on shoes that Lucifer wanted to see her in. When he made the 'difficult' decision, they decided on silver strappy heals.
With everything prom related ready, since she told Lucifer she could do her own makeup, they went to Taco Bell for a quick lunch and made it home by 5, with prom at 7, they had 2 hours to get ready. Luckily Lucifer had brought his tux with him and just got ready at Anna's.
--Kayden's Pov.—
He could feel the blankets being torn from his body, he just couldn't find the time to care. "Kayden! Get up or I swear to god, I will dump the coldest water I can find all over you." Katerina threatened. That had me jumping up, and if I had my tail you would find it between my legs. Katerina smiled at my reaction and went back to drinking her coffee at his desk. "Why are you here, and what time is it?" I said in a sleepy voice as I stretched, which looked more like a cat than a dog, but whatever.
"I'm here because I need someone to escort me to prom, and that is going to be you. The time is 6, I want to leave at 6:30, so get moving." Katerina said showing him her dress that she brought with her.
"Oh" was all I said as I walked to the bathroom to take a shower. After I was all clean I exited the bathroom only to find Katerina Standing there in her dress, which was rather revealing if I had anything to say. It was black and strapless, with a heart shaped neckline, that in my opinion showed way too much. It cinched in at the waist with a dark purple belt that complimented her hair. The bottom of her dress went to the floor, but there was a slit up the side going up to her thigh that teased the eyes but kept everything covered. Her feet were covered in dark purple heals that were at least 2" tall. "Don't you think that's a little revealing?" I questioned as I grabbed his suit off the hook.
"I think it's just revealing enough," she replied, turning so he could change in semi privacy. After they were both ready, they headed out to his car and started their way to a night that was going to be long for both of them.
--Anastacia's Pov.—
I was in my dress and standing in front of the mirror. I looked totally different, no one would recognize me at prom tonight. It was already 7:30, and we were late, but I really didn't care. "Anna get your ass down here. Now." I sighed and grabbed my dark blue pouch that held my keys, chap stick and phone.
Getting into the car I knew tonight would come with surprise's I could feel it. I just couldn't tell if it was good or not.

Puppy Love
FantasyHigh school drama with a twist of fate. Two of the most unlikely people are brought together by the gods. Big meets small Boy meets girl Football meets reading Popular meets unpopular Dog meets cat When both thought they were alone they find each...