Chapter 4

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"Stay away from him. He spells trouble. No more than a few pleasantries are required." Koyal's mom Arundhati spelled out the list of do's and dont's for the evening. Her dad's childhood friend, Shekhar, was visiting almost after a decade with his family. Koyal didn't understand the need for these instructions. She always did what was right, didn't she? She knew with whom to associate and with whom she should keep a distance. The aforementioned warnings were against Shekhar's wayward son. Koyal was 16 then. He was 19. Certainly reason enough for any mother to smell trouble."Ughh.... moomm, I know, I know, now let me get ready!" Exasperated she escorted her mom out of the room.

Koyal chose a beautiful rose coloured red kurti. She lined her eyes with kajal and let her long hair cascade down. Satisfied with her look she went down to greet the guests.
Her eyes involuntarily searched for the troublemaker her mom was so vary of. She found him lounging on the sofa. Well, I'll have to admit I'm disappointed. No leather jacket, no tattoos, no multiple piercings. Yeah, I know, not very original, but that's how the bad guys are supposed to look! He wasn't someone you would notice in a crowd. Nothing special there. Hey, why do I sound disappointed. Well, admit it Koyal, you were secretly wishing for a bad boy whom you could revolutionize with your love. Typical Bollywood. "Koyal beta, come here",her dad called out. "This here is my darling daughter Koyal I was talking about and Koyal, this is my childhood friend, Shekhar." "Glad, to meet you finally, uncle. Papa talks a lot about you and the adventures you both shared. Frankly speaking we are bored of his repetitive stories." "Acha beta, my stories bore you ha.." Her dad began tickling her. A chase ensued in the hall. " stop..we have company." "Remember this the next time you call my dear stories boring." She pouted. Everyone was chuckling. "Well, my dad is no different. He, and his childhood sweetheart",chuckled Karan. Well well, he certainly has a sexy voice. Maybe I was too hasty in making observations. Koyal,"Yeah, childhood sweethearts, suits them well." "Koyal, why don't you show Karan around?", said her dad. "Yaa sure",she quipped. Her mom gave her a look, which clearly stated don't mess around. Amazing how mother's always had a look to convey anything they wanted! Their's was a two storeyed bungalow. After giving him a cursory tour through the rooms, she led him to the terrace. They walked in silence. At the entrance they were greeted by the fragrance of flowers. Harisingar and amaltas flowers had formed a beautiful carpet on the ground. Small potted Jasmine flowers added a sensual touch to the already intoxicating fragrance. "Ta da. Welcome to my favourite corner in the house."She gestured with arms spread out. "Yeah, I can see why it is your favourite." Staring into her eyes he said,"You don't get to see such beauty in Mumbai." The intensity with which he said this made her blush. "Umm...they probably have begun with their round of drinks below, thats why they sent us out", said a nervous Koyal. " that case I could have given them good company." "Ohh, so you drink?" "Yaa, occasionally." Is he trying to flaunt this fact?? "It seems like you found it offensive", Karan stated arching his eyebrow. "Yaa..I'm not a great fan of drunkards." "Drunkard?...Ouch, you hurt my feelings." She smiled shyly. No denying you are falling for him. Get a grip.
Ohh shut up!

So...are you really against it? You being a spoiled Delhi teen and all." She rolled her eyes. "Maybe I'm not the typical type." "Yaa, you sure aren't." Again those eyes, speaking a thousand unspoken words. Someone save me. "Excuse me, will you stop flirting with me?" said Koyal clearing her throat. "Why?? Is it bothering you?"he asked mischeviously. "Absolutely not." "Yes, it is." No, no, noo "Okk..okk" An awkward silence followed. "By the way, I wasn't flirting. It's just that you are fun to be around", Karan said, breaking the silence. "Oh really? I'm flattered by your gracious comment your highness",she smirked. "It would have been good to have your mobile number..." Why can't he just ask for my number directly?! "You can actually have my number you know. Let me save it on your phone." She had just finished saving her number when...."Koyal, come down and help me carry these snacks." "Coming mom." I wonder how she took so long. "Hey, I'll have to go..." "Help her out and then come up again Koyal." Sweet heavens..I never knew my name could sound so beautiful. "I don't think she'll let me. Bye" "I'll see you around Koyal..." "Sure...Karan..."

*Votes and comments please. Nothing encourages me more.*

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