Seventy Seven: Confrontation

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×× Justin ××

After having received countless messages from his dad asking Justin to come over for dinner, he finally decided to.

He'd kept his true emotions at bay for long enough and, as he drove to the mansion that was once his home, Justin tried to think about how he was going to bring up the topic that had been burning his soul for a while now. He didn't want to have to be violent but he wasn't promising himself anything. He had a short fuse, which he wasn't proud of, but maybe, for once, he'd appreciate it because in his mind, Jeremy deserved the world's greatest ass kicking.

Justin pulled up in front of the house and turned his phone off. He'd left Skylar back at his apartment. She was reading some book she'd found on Justin's desk and was really drawn to it. As much as he wished he could've stayed there to just watch her pay attention to what she was reading (with her cute glasses on), Justin had bigger fish to fry.

He let himself into the house and called out to find out where everyone was.

Elizabeth emerged from the dining room with a smile on her face. Her hair was pinned up and she wore a black and gold designer dress.

"Hello, Justin." She said, "Welcome."

"Hi." He said, tucking his hands in his pockets.

"Your father is in the middle of a business call. He'll be with us in a moment." Elizabeth smiled, "Would you like anything to drink while we wait?"

"Some juice please."

"Okay. Coming right up. Make yourself at home." She walked off to the kitchen.

Justin sighed and wandered off to the private living room which was one of the quiet spots his mom used to love reading in. The sun shined brightly in there during the day and, on a good winter's day, the white blanket of snow that made the outdoors look magical almost made the room seem magical too, especially because of the fireplace.

He stood at the window and looked out at the garden and his little tree house which was in the distance. Memories of his childhood flooded his mind, almost like a mini movie, and his dad placing his hand on his shoulder both startled him and made him want to cuss.

"You came." Jeremy smiled. "Sorry. I had an urgent call to attend to."

"Elizabeth told me." Justin said flatly.

"Yes. Now we can have dinner and you can tell me all about your trip to your grandmother's."

Justin looked his father in the eyes for a moment and put on a smile. He then followed Jeremy out to the dining room where Elizabeth was with Justin's juice.

"Finally. I was getting hungry." Elizabeth smiled at Jeremy.

"Forgive me." Jeremy said.

"I forgive you. But next time, you can't keep a guest waiting."

"Yes, my love." Jeremy smiled and pecked Elizabeth's lips.

Justin took a seat and sipped his juice, watching the couple go about with their jokes. He wondered when this all began, this relationship. How is it that after Jeremy had cheated on Pattie with so many women, Elizabeth ended up being the one he married? What was it about her?

"So, Canada." Jeremy looked at Justin with a smile on his face.

"Yeah." Justin said.

"How did it go?"

"It was good. Grandma misses us."

"That's nice. How is she?"


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