Beatrice's White Day

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Beatrice's White Day

"Kyaaan, White Day is finally here! I wonder what I'm getting, I wonder what I'm getting! I'm so excited~"

This was a day that Asmodeus, who preferred love affairs to three square meals, had been looking forward to with much anticipation.

"So you're saying this White Day is when you get a return on last Valentine's Day?"

Belphegor asked in the way of a person that understood something in theory, but not so much in practice.

For once, Asmodeus, the youngest child, answered her older sister's question excitedly.

"White Day isn't just some day you get some candy in return for Valentine's Day! It's a response to the love you've given, to feel your partner's love deepen and throb, and look forward to quiet peaceful time together, an event that's both ancient and refined! And, of course, it's not just about weighing the value of the love you've exchanged, that would be boooring. It's about choosing a stylish response with the proper cost and value. That's why it's so awesome! You get to gauge the temperature of your feelings against their feelings, become more intimate, to take advantage of sudden meetings of love-that's what White Day is about! Do you get it, my dear sister?"

"...I...I see. It seems to be an event with deep significance..."

"Beelzebub's sooo excited! I'm looking forward to what Mr. Gohda is going to give me! It looks like he went training in Belgium to make chocolate, so I'm sure he'll give me white chocolate in return! Forget about love, the sweetness of chocolate is much more bewitching! Myaaaa~"

"Asmodeus is looking forward to what Mr. Amakusa got her too! He's soooo cool, and has such good taste. It's not gonna be something lame like candy! It might be jewelry, or make up, or perfume! Kyaaan, I can hardly wait to find out what it is!"

Asmodeus and Beelzebub, being the two youngest, had a good relationship.

The older sisters had the strange sensation of being left behind in the face of the others' squealing excitement.

"Is it really that exciting? How pathetic for high level furniture to be acting that way."

"Mammon, didn't you give yours to Sakutaro? Do you really think you'll get something back?"

"In some sense or another. Lady Ange said we should have a White Day Tea Party, so we made plans. We'll have a lovely time sipping tea."

"You certainly have been seeming more impressive lately, Mammon~ So close with the group from '98. I'm sooo jealous. What ever happened to sisterly love?"

"I want as much love as possible, of course. I suppose that's "greed" for you. Teehee."

Mammon chuckled over getting one up over her sisters, however slightly.

Mammon, surprisingly enough, valued her relationships with people. It seemed she was also greedy for friends.

So it could be said, of all the Seven Stake Sisters, she was the one that had the most of them.

The three youngest sisters had their White Day schedules pretty much according to plan, and thus were looking forward to them very much.

But the older sisters, not being experienced with White Day and unsure of what to expect, were waiting with some amount of trepidation.

"You gave something to Rudolf, right, Belphegor? Are you expecting something back?"

"H-he said he didn't know what to get we could go shopping together."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2009 ⏰

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