Mr. Strider?

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I walked towards my seat and John smiled happily "hiya (y/n)! What took you so long" I shook my head "I was working late on the project with Dave, we almost finished it. It just needs more detail, paint and I'm thinking a bit of fur."

John hummed softly nodding "alright settle down" Everyone but John and I were at full attention.

"Nepeta and Vriska where looking for you" I hummed and face palmed "I should have texted them." John nodded and shrugged.

John and I continued talking about random things, till Bro rudely interrupted. "Something you wanna share with the class" He askes, he had a poker face but something was off.

I cleared my throat and searched my brain for a smart ass remark "actully yeah, it's that-" I was cut off as Bro slamed his hand on the desk behind me, he was so close! His nose was almost touching mine.

"I wouldn't be a smart ass, if I were you, especially with me, you might have to be punished." My eyes widden, John looked lie like a terrified castiel from supernatural, still cute though.

"Mr. S-Strider...." I squeaked out "what was that?" He growled "nothing, sorry." He moved away, everyone seemed shaken up, except for the girls who found that dominate side of Bro hot as fuck.

I'm not gonna lie, it was, but I think I almost pissed myself, I was so scared.

John reached over and pat my back, rubbing it comfortingly.

--Time skip--

The bell rung and I gathered my stuff, John waited by the door and smiled reassuringly at me.

"(Y/n), my I speak to you?" I shivered and nodded, waving John off. John seemed unsure, but left without a word.

I turned to Bro and he cleared his throat, as he ajusted his tie, his cheeks were a light pink shade. But it was barely noticeable.

"I wanted to apologize for my actions, I don't know what came over me." I nodded softly "It's fine, I shouldn't have been a smart ass, or attempted to be one."he nodded and I waved him goodbey.

Was he jealous? A lot of students ignored his lecture, so why did he only get on to me? Maybe he doesn't like me?..

Teacher!Bro! X Reader Failing In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now