New Teacher

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"(Y/N)!!!" Nepeta squealed, running towards me, I was tackled to the ground by the cat girl, she giggled happily, rubbing her cheek against mine.

"Easy on the girl nep." Vriska smiled lightly, Nepeta got off me and Vriska helped me up "thanks Vrisk." She waved it off and flipped her hair "no problem."

She motioned us to move, it was honestly to early, I love the cat girl dearly, but having her glomp me after a long weekend was.... um... irritating? No.... that's not it...

Vriska snapped her fingers in front of my face "hey? You listening?" She asked, with a slightly irritated tone "uh.... no?" She sighed and turned back around, putting her hands behind her head and walking towards the school, us following.

Nepeta giggled "what I said was, Mr. Dikens retired." I perked up, not to be rude but.... THANK YOU GOG! That man was a creep!

"Wow! Really!?" Vriska glanced at me and smirked proudly, glad to have gotten my full attention "yeah really." She chuckled.

Nepeta sighed in relief "that's furry great! To be honest... he was... a creep..." Vriska nodded and Nepeta opened the door "oh! I should get going! I have art!" Vriska nodded "I'll go with you, I have math anyway." Nepeta nodded and they both waved good bey before disappearing in the crowd that was slowly growing.

I smiled and walked to class, which was English, great.

I blew my hair out of my face and walked in the room, it was almost empty.. and there was no one in the class, other than John and Dave, who were ocupide playing their intendos.

What nerds.

I took my seat and John smiled at me "oh! Hiya (y/n)!" I smiled "hey John. Dave" Dave gave a sup nod and smirked as John groaned "He beat me again!" I rose a brow "what are you playing?" He puffed out a cheek in agitation "Mario Cart." I laughed and John blushed, his bright blue eyes glaring daggers at me.

The bell rung, John of course jumped and dropped his device, while Dave put his away and slung on his bag "later guys." We waved goodbye to Dave, as he walked towards his photography class.

I don't see why he comes in here but I assume it's to talk and hang out with John and I for a bit.

John slipped his in his bag, and students began to flood into the classroom, chatting happily or just gossiping.

John stiffened as the principle walked in, a handful of papers, he set it down on the desk, then leand on it.

The second bell rang and everyone sat in there seats. The principal cleared his throat and glanced at the door and held up one finger, signaling who ever it was to wait.

"Alright students, as you may know Mr. Dikens is retired.. luckly, we found a new teacher in time." The class groaned, the principle motioned someone in.

A man with blond hair, chizzled jaw, great form and triangular shades. All the girls perked up and sat up straight, sticking out their chests.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Strider, thank you Mr. Egbert. I think I can handle them."oh gog... his voice. It was so smooth and deep.

Principal Egbert nodded and waved goodbye to John, then walked out.

Mr. Strider walked over to the desk and leaned on it "alright, you don't know me and I don't know you." Some girls giggled and played with their hair.

John made a face, a girl raised her hand "Yes?" She smirked "are you signal?" He chuckled softly and nodded "yes, in fact. I am." She giggled as girls glared jealously "well enough ab-" I raised my hand and John glanced at me.

"Um... yes?" Bro mummbled "do you happen to be related to Dave Strider?" John face palmed, he smirked "What's your name?" "(Y/n)" you said cautiously, he smirked "yes, my lil man has mentioned you before and another John kid." John blushed and I nodded.

"Awwweee, John Davey talks about you~" I teased, he rolled his eyes and punched my arm "Shut it! He talks about you too." I smirked "that's because I'm cool Egderp.

He rolled his eyes, I looked back up and Mr. Strider was smiling at... me? I couldn't tell under those glasses.

The hours pressed on, kids asking Mr. Strider questions and him attempting to remember our names, it was kinda cute,
When he messed up some kids name, he would try to cover it up.

This is gonna be a great year, I wonder what it's gonna be like.

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