Chapter 7- Noises and Unforgivable beings

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"You'll die Y/N with your precious gift." The bad guy kick my head.

"Charles please let us go." I cried begging him mercy "Why do you have to do this? Why don't turn back from what you are before?"

"I can't be the person you want me Y/N." He pointed a kunai on my neck "Hatred is only thing I knew."

"Then why did you loved me before and Therese. If you don't know how to love?"

"Love turns to anger. This is what I am now Y/N." He stab my shoulders.

"After this nothing will change Charles. You'll still live in hatred and you can't bring things back from the past!" I yelled.

"Killing you and Gaara would be the success of mine." He strangled me.

"Charles...please ...stop." Coughs between sentences.

"You don't deserve to live." His grip became much stronger.



"Wake up Y/N." Someone shook my body.

"Gaara." I felt tears on my cheek.

"Y/N what happened?" Gaara asked worriedly.

"Charles... he... he... said he'll kill us..." I stuttered.

"Y/N it's just a dream." Gaara held my head.

"But his killing voice still haunt me." I wept.

"Listen Y/N." He covered my ears.

"But Gaara..."

"Just listen and look at me." He wiped my tears "As long as we are together he'll never do anything."

"Gaara..." I mumbled.

"That's a promise Y/N." He hugged me.

"Gaara I am sacred."

"I'm here Y/N." He rubbed my back "I'll protect you."

"I love you."

"I love you more." He whispered.



After that night. These bad guys still bother my thoughts. I can't figure out why are they doing this to us especially to Y/N.

"What should I do in order to terminate you." I said to myself.

I looked at Y/N beside me who is still on her slumberous sleep.

In all persons who don't really deserve things like this, why would it be you? You haven't done wrong Y/N. Why you?

If I could just go and look for him maybe his dead by now.

"Gaara?" She said in a sleepy tone.

"How do you feel now Y/N?" I asked her.

"I felt relief because you are here." She smiled.

"I'll be here for you." I whispered.

"Thanks for everything Gaara." She touched my cheeks.

"No worries Y/N." I kissed her forehead "It would be the dead of mine if I lost you again."

"Can you stay here for me?" She asked.

"Yes Y/N. I'll be here beside you." I hugged her.

"Thanks Gaara." She hugged me back.

"Rest for a while." I lay down beside her.


I'll be sure that Charles, Therese and Leo would be erase in this world. I promise you that Y/N.


I decided to call Astin or Erin to make sure that things would be okay.

"Aoshi residence how may I help you?" A man on the phone said.

"May I speak with Astin or Erin?" I said. "I'm the Kazekage of the Sand."

"Erin is speaking now Brother." Erin said

"Sorry I did not recognized your voice." I apologised.

"It's okay brother. Why did you call anyway."

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"What is it?" He answered.

"Is there any update about Charles and Therese?" I asked.

"Right on time brother." He said "After that incident on the Hidden in the Rain. Naruto alarmed all of us here especially to the pregnant ones andI believed that in Land of the Sound another newly born baby had been murder and offered again."

"How heartless are they." I scowled at them.

"That's why I am also worried about Y/N-neesan."

"Yeah. It may stress her and our babies."

"Wait? Babies?"

"We are having twin babies." I smiled.

"That's a good news brother." He exclaimed.

"Thanks Erin."

"But please take care of Y/N-neesan. Charles and Therese are patiently waiting for your babies."

"I'm working on that Erin." I sighed.

"I trust you brother." He said "Brother I have to go. We still have a meeting with the Hokage about this. I'll update you if there is a progress."

"Thanks Erin."

"I'll call you later." He cut the line off.

Every day is getting worst. Why can't they do mercy for these babies.

You'll pay for what you have done Charles, Therese and Leo...

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