chpt 7 -Julie

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Hiro's pov

I walked into the classroom and sat in my seat in the middle , the class started and ms.Browne started explaining and asking people that weren't listening to answer including me but I was the only one listening

"Pssst" someone beside me said but I ignored them

"Pssssst hiro" they continued and I turned and whisper shouted

"What?" I immediately regretted it when I realized it was Julie probably the prettiest girl in school

"O-oh I'm sorry what's up?"

"Wanna hang out later? She asks and I nod

"How about my place at 4:00" I said and she nods turning around

~time skip~

Y/n pov

I was walking home alone, once again hiro abandoned me I saw him earlier with this girl at lunch they looked like they were having so much fun

I finally arrived and opened the door
"Hi cass" i waved as she smiled and went to my room
On the way i heard some laughs come from hiros room, i pestes in to see who he was with and to my surprise it was that girl from earlier

"Hey lets try some gummy bears" hiro asked and opened one of the many bags of sweets they popped one in to their mouths and made weird faces indicating it was sour

"Omg theyre so sour " the girl says

"Yeah want a muffin?, i can go get one of my aunts" hiro says before i hear him walk towards the door

I quickly sat beside the wall and took out a book acting normal

"Y/n ? what Are you doing here?". He asks as i hold the book to my face my eyes peering out at the top

"Uh aah i was just reading this very interesting book and got caught up in it" i smiled as he helped me up

"Ok but dont read out here its far too cold read in your room" he pushed me in to my room and closes the door running downstairs

*sigh* i miss the old hiro the one i used to hang out with , the one who called me beautiful and the hiro i love a tear rolled down my cheek as i thought back to the day hiro and tadashi saved me from that creepy boy and that time at the bot fight those were the times i knew hiro what he was capable of .

My phones buzzed in my Pocket
I pulled it out to reveal a message from honey lemon , thats odd i Never added her number to my contacts

The message said :

We are all sorry for how we treated you y/n we never meant Any harm to you, all we wanted to say is get well soon :)

The gang

I put my phone down as footsteps were heard coming upstairs i looked out and saw hiro go to his room looking happy i soon followed opening his door and calling out

"Hiro?" when i saw him with his megabot
"What is it y/n?" He asks but i was too Busy focusing on him to recognize

"Um who was that you were with?" I ask and he turns around

"N-no one!" He was clearly lying and I got impatient.

"Hiro dont lie i saw you with her at lunch and now here"

"look why do you even care, shes just a girl we were hanging out so why is it such a big deal?"

He started getting angry at me and walked towards me as i backed up against the wall ,i was also angry but a bit scared

"Its because i like you okay " i said glaring  at him

Hiro looked at me his eyes wide but i just Turned around and walked out slamming  the door

Time skip~

Hiro pov

I met julie and walked to the gangs table telling fred to move over a bit
so we could sit they all stared at us except for y/n who was looking down
lucie and i have been hanging out a lot these days we,ve done great things like go windsurfing, to the movies and we also upgraded baymaxs Armor

"Hiro could you get me a drink please?" She and i quickly stood up walking to the lunchlady and asked for Lemon and lime water, she hands it to me and i walk back placing it on the table beside her.

"Thanks babe" she said and leaned in planting a kiss on my cheek , i saw y/n stand up and walk out she looked Kind of mad hmm wonder whats up with her ,
Doesn't matter im with lucie thats all that matters

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