chpt 15 - last chapter

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*y/n POV*

It was nightfall in sanfransokyo and I was standing on a balcony watching over San Fransokyo thinking about everything thats happened since I've been here I frown when hiro walked out

"Hey aunt Cass says dinners ready". He notices me not talking

"What's wrong?" I turned and smiled sadly then looked back out to the city

"I can't believe how much has happened since I moved here!" I sighed and hiro came over and place an arm around my waist

"Its alright isn't it I mean you have us you have friends that care for you" he said kissing my forehead

"Hiro dinner!" Tadashi shouted from inside and we looked back to see him staring at us
"Hello lovebirds " he smirked making me blush a little and hiro pulled me inside down to the table

"So y/n is everything going okay I mean since all the things that has happened and all?" Aunt Cass smiled over to me

"Ya its going fine I mean I found out who killed my parents and ....". I stopped mid sentence and my eyes widened

"You found out who killed them. how?" She looked at me suspiciously

"Um what I meant was I wish I could have found out" I smiled looking around awkward trying not to make eye contact but it didn't work because she slammed her fist onto the table demanding to know the truth

"Tell me everything because I know that the three of you are keeping a little white lie from me and I demand to know it!". When she was done we exchanged looks and spilled the beans .
So hiro told her everything and once she understood she looked at me for my expression which was just normal

"How are you not upset from all of this " she asked putting away our plates
"Because I already have a family a loving boyfriend and friends who care about me , that's all I could ever ask for " I smiled at them and we all gathered for a hug with mochi curled up at my feet.

The end

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