Chapter 3 Rachel

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After the judge let us in he escorted us to his house. Along the way he told us  about Glendale  .  Glendale had always had a few inhabitants mostly Gypsies, but when the Somebodies King the I st established rule a few older wiser subjects saw the danger and fled to Glendale and established a refuge.  Young families and professors slowly trickled into to Glendale creating the village of today .  As time went on the elders died away and now the only remaining elder was a doctor midwife called Winnie. The Judge mentioned that she had recently apprenticed a young woman and was seeking out another. I can have her visit you if you are interested.  I told him I would consider it. When we reached his house he introduced us to his wife ( Mrs. Morris) and his four children , Samuel Morris was the preacher of the Glendale church , he also had  three young daughters.  We spent the night at their house and in the morning we were fed by Mrs. Morris and Mr. Morris went out to show Nat and I  around the village. He after showing us around the small neighborhoods he brought us to a small general store. Upon entering he handed Nat and I a few coins, for necessities he said and went outside to wait for us. I was grateful for the coins in my hand . I desperately needed more clothing I bought several yards of linen , denim and calico . I paid at the counter and met the store owners son the judges nephew. He had helped Nat find tools and other farming and work tools.When he had bought what he needed we left.  Then the judge brought us to a row of small single residence cottages, he handed me a key , " Everything you need is here " he said . I said my thanks and told Nat goodbye. I slipped the key into the lock and pushed the door open, cautiously I stepped in . To my left there was a table , a oil lamp and matches sat neatly upon it, next to it sat a rocker next to a small fire place. Ahead of me was a dinner table with to chairs and beyond was another room partitioned by two heavy curtains. To the right of the partition was a counter top and cook stove above were cabinets containing food and cookware . Towards the back was a tidy stack of wood .Behind the partition was a small bedroom and closet, and in the closet I set my burden. It was nearing noon so I took advantage of the food in the cabinets.  I was sitting down to the stack of sandwiches when someone knocked on the door . I cautiously opened the door . Nat was on the other side grinning hilariously at me in he hands was a big pot of soup , Hungry?  I opened the door to let him in. He set the pot on the table . Bet you didn't know I could cook! I admitted I didn't.  I took down to bowls from the cabinet and ladled  two bowls. Nat took my hands as he prayed then carefully I tasted the soup to my surprise it was quite good . I tasted the sandwich and nearly gagged. Hastily I removed the plate from the table.  Wait I didn't get one ! Nat complained . No good I chocked. He laughed . I need fresher ingredients . Your soup is quite good I remarked . He just shrugged . Then his face brightened , I found work ! I was surprised, so soon ? He nodded . A young man Arie Westcott  , he's a carpenter in need of help , he said he would help me build a cabin in trade for my work! But he is married and his wife just had a baby and has a hard time recovering he was wondering if you would be willing to work for her. He said he would pay you. I stared at him blankly . But he kept going , before you get upset ... I cut him off, I'll do it. He jerked back in surprise . You will ? I nodded , it would be nice to meet other young women  I just need a few days though.  He smiled Thank you dear . I smiled back back and began to clear the table . Nat and I did the dishes together then after he left I went to sewing , I couldn't show up on a job looking like  vagabond . Monday morning Nat came by and brought me to Mr. Westcott's shop.

After introduction he gave me directions to his cabin . The walk to the cabin was quite pleasant , there were farm animals running around young children chasing them and mothers hanging wash on the line. As I reached the cabin I noticed it was much tidier than I expected , there were flowers planted neatly in rows and curtains were fluttering out the window. As I knocked I heard a baby cry then the door opened and the face of Rachel met me. I stood there in shock staring at her hardly knowing what to do . She through her arms around me, Oh Becka!! Oh Becka!! My mind was fumbles . She grabbed my hands and held them tight. In a hoarse whisper I asked , is it really you ? She laughed  then frowning opened her hand revealing my left . Oh Becka  your engaged! I nodded then remembered Nat . He didn't know she was here! I started back down the path , Rachel had begun to ask questions but I was already running towards the shop. I burst through the door of Arie's shop. Nat! Nat! come quick! Nat dropped his tools and came over , Rachel! I gasped . He looked confused, Arie's wife is Rachel! His eyes grew wide and ripping off his apron he ran out the door  Arie and I following . When we reached the cabin Nat and Rachel stood embracing each other for the first time in along time. I walked up and hugged them both leaving Arie behind in bewilderment. Rachel saw the confusion on her husbands face and explained, Nat is my brother! Arie stood dumbfounded while Rachel lead us into the house were a tiny baby lay in a cradle. She went and picked it up, this is our son Daniel ! 

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