Elements and prologue

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before I tell you about their elements, let me describe how you can tell if a foal is an element horse. First, it has wings, second, all element horses are born white , and when they become three big moons old( three months) they exhibit the colors of their element, you'll find out about it once you finish reading this part of the story.



pegasi with this element can control the wind, and for camoflodge, they can make themselves look like clouds. Great healers

colors: Mostly white, or silver but , can be light grey, or have small markings of any regular horse color. All have silver hooves



horses with this element can make plants of any kind grow and have hooves specially designed to dig so they can plant seeds or sometimes even dig large holes for a den.

colors: Mainly colors like brown, palomino, chestnut, strawberry roan. All plant element horses have a lime green marking, or some have part of their mane and ta il green.



can create snow or ice, control snow or ice, and are perfectly fine in icey cold conditions

horses with this element are always white, but can have small markings of another color



can create fire, can light themselves on fire, and can also swim in lava or walk in fire without harm

can be any color, but always have fire colored markings body, or on their mane and tail, or sometimes both.

lightning or light

very uncommon, but not rare

horses with this can bend light and are very powerful, but not as powerful as a shadow horse, can create lightning or light

horses with this are always a yellow color, or a golden color



can control water, in water they can turn into a water horse much like the hippocampus(you can see a drawing of this in my art book, but in there I call it a water filly )

light blue, or silver, but the easiest way to tell is by seeing the fins on their backs instead of wings, and also have fins on their legs.


really rare

most powerful element horse, can create shadows simply by moving their ears, also the most rare. Can change themselves into shadows at night, the fastest of all the element horses, both on land and in the air. Can heal any animal at any time.

always have main coat color as black,, but can have small markings of other colors.


a large chestnut Mare came bolting into a meadow on a stormy night. She ran and ran crying out, " help! Help!the humans are coming! I'm about to have a foal, help me please! Is any one out there?" an old white mare appeared in the rain. She opened her wings, and on her sides were brown feather like markings, she was a wind element horse, the wind element horse. Said horse spoke over the noise of the thunder. " Follow me! My herd can help you. The mare followed the Pegasus to a cave, where there were about twenty other element horses. " Eagle feather, why have you brought this horse into our cave?" a fire element horse spoke roughly. " sir, she is close to having a foal, at least let her stay until her foal is strong enough to travel back to her herd." " fine. But I want them out as soon as her foal is born and is one big moon old ( one month)" ~~~~~~~~ hours later a filly was born. She was white for now, and had wings, a sign that she was an element horse.

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