Chapter 6

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yes, I have other chapters written, but I wanted to let you read this chapter, and then I'll publish the rest after school.

when I woke up, early in the morning, right before the sun started to come up. The little human appeared, and opened my stall. I remembered last night. I could hear the humans that captured us coming, with another horse too. The human foal must have heard them too, because she panicked and jumped in the hay. The barn doors opened, and two human stallions walked in with a tall blue roan stallion. " I think you will like this one. Great with kids, loves to be ridden. He is a little old, so he is a little slow. Said one human. "oh, that's fine! He's a beautiful mustang, you said he was found near a herd of winged horses?" The other human replied. " oh, yes we did. We call him Tornado. He was the best, and fastest in the rodeo!" I'm guessing the roan belonged to the other human. The stallion was brought into a stall next to mine. The humans closed the stall, and walked out. "Stormcloud?" asked the roan. " do you know my name? And who are you?" I asked . "I'm your probably dont remember me. I visited you and your mother. But you were sleeping. I didn't get to talk to you. But look at you! You're so big now!" He replied. " You are my sire!?" I nuzzled him." can you help us get out of here While the griffins are eating?" asked Water Lily excitedly. " of course!" Whinnied sire. The hay in my stall moved, and the human filly's head popped out. I didn't trust her very much, but I couldn't leave her here. I nudged her forward and opened my stall. I opened eagle feather's stall, (which was on the right side of my stall, my sire's was on the left. ) then I opened sire's, Aztec, and Water Lily's. I heard something outside, but didn't think much of it. Just as I was about to push the barn door open, two griffins flew in. One of them was a tan color with white paws(the lion paws) and the other white with a chestnut chest. The white griffon grabbed the human. The claws dug so deep, I could see blood starting to drip down her arms. The griffin flew up, and tossed her into the hay. The tan griffin tried to herd us into the stalls, and when that didn't work, he grabbed Eaglefeather, and placed her in her stall. The two picked up each one of us, and placed us in our stalls. They left, probably forgetting about the human. Speaking of her, I watched as she picked up a cloth and wrapped her arm. She walked over to my stall, opened the door, and sat on top of the hay. Soon, the feeder came in and fed us. The pellets. Again!dont those humans think we ever get sick of this stuff!!! I didn't eat, but the other horses gulped it down hungrily. "what's wrong?" Bella snorted. "your little escape plan didn't go to well?" I turned around so I was facing the wall. " shut it Bella. If you were wild, you'd know why we want to get home. " I neighed. I smelled something in the human's bag she carries around. Iron, wood, deer, fruit, grass, and dog. I pinned my ears to my head.. The human looked at me, then her bag. She did this several times before opening her bag and pulling out a sharp metal object. A knife. Some human hunters used these. One of those gave me a large scar on my leg. I flattened my ears, and the human saw why I was mad . She trotted out of the stall, careful not to let me out, and threw it into the woodshaving pile across the barn. She returned to my stall and ducked under the hay. Someone was coming! My trainer walked in. Great, another training session. When will she learn? I will not be tamed! I Can NOT be tamed!!!


the human put sand bags on my back today, but I bucked them off. I also almost got away, but the griffins caught me. In fact, one is carrying my to my stall now. Ow! He dropped me into my stall!! That hurt! "please!!! Help us get out! We'll help you get free too!! Just help us!Rodeo? I heard the humans call you?" I pleaded, even though I knew it was useless. " yeah, I'll help you escape." He said. " IN YOUR DREAMS YOU DUMB HORSE!!!!" He cawed. "stupid griffins. They aren't even smart enough to realize when they are captivated by humans." I muttered. "what did you just say?" The griffin growled. "nothing."

"don't play dumb with me!"

"I said it was nothing!"

"I heard what you said."

the griffin dug his talons into my shoulder, and shoved me, hard. The young human ran out of my stall to help me up. she rubbed my muzzle and tore some of her blue fur off her shoulder.she put it gently on my wound, but I lifted my head up and tried to bite her, but she jumped out of the way just in time. That hurt!! Water Lily came out of her stall, controlling a ball of water with her mind. She moved it forward until it hovered over me. She lowered the ball of water slowly down to me until it splashed over my wound. The cool water helped a little, bur the deep cut still stung. "be easy on the human, Cloud, she was just trying to help you." Lily told me softly." I know Lily, but it stung! " I whined. Lily inspected the gash on my shoulder. " Cloud, we need the humans to look at you. They can heal you." She turned to leave, but Rodeo stopped her. " let me through Rodeo." Lily growled. " no." Lily turned around and Kicked our prison guard in the face. He staggered backward, but managed to scrape Lily as she trotted past him, pushed the door open with her snout, and disappeared out of sight. She returned later, three humans following her, each looking equally confused. Water Lily stopped at my stall, walking in a circle in front of it until the humans peeking into it.they gasped, and two ran off. The third human stepped into my stall., and started stroking me. He mumbled soft words to me, saying I would be okay, and how He would punish the griffon who did that to me. He didn't think we belonged here, and it was wrong to clip our feathers. The human, that I have decided to call cheetah, stepped gingerly out of her hiding place, and up to the coly that was calming me. She talked to the other human softly. They agreed that this midnight, they would free us.


midnight came quicker than we thought, as we watched the colt step inti the barn with a light, not fire, but something like he took a price of the sun, and put it in a metal, painted cylinder. Cheetah came out of her hiding place. The colt looked at a griffin who was sleeping in the barn loft, and kept walking.then,he stepped on a griffon's tail. The griffin roared in anger, and turned to the colt, paw out, and ready to strike. He recognized the colt instantly, and instead nuzzled him. "Cheif, I need your help. We need to free the horses.and you too. " he said. Now would be a good time to test my abilities. I imagined a ball forming around me. All the pain from my injury left, and I could feel it closing up, it was healing! My feathers grew longer. I was healing my self! I could heap the others too!! I used my bubble to lift me and the others up. I set them down on the other side of their stalls, and paid the same to my sire, and Cheetah. We could fly now. Now is the hardest part, getting as far away from here as possible.

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