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Chapter two: I will never forgive you

I wake up laying on my living room couch. I get up slowly and look up at the clock. 9:30 p.m. I walk out into the kitchen watching my mom and dad packing my little sisters things and my own."What are you doing"? I say while watching them with a upset/pissed off stare. "Knock" "Knock", I heard a male voice say at the door."Come in" , my father says while moving the suit cases towards the one side of the room. The door opens and three guys walk in. They each glanced at me, looking me up and down while smiling at me. "Hello dear", the one guy said while looking at me then towards my parents. "Packing her stuff won't be necessary"Aiden said while tracing his fingers on the table. "Excuse me?", I say while picking up my stuff. "I am taking everything of mine and going back up to my room", I said very loud and rudely. Aiden comes up to me and smiles. He wraps his arm around my waist and whispers this in my ear, "You will understand soon enough". I pull away from him and start laughing. You got to be kidding me? He looks at me with amusement on his face, while looking at me intently. I start walking towards the stairs and he appears in front of me. How the hell did that bastard do that? What the hell is going on? He chuckles and says"You'll find out soon enough". "Tara go with them, now", my mother says holding back tears. I look at her with hurt and confusion. "Why, what the hell did I ever do to you", I yell at her while tears run down my face. " Don't you ever talk to your mother like that", my dad says while banging his fist against the table. "Your nothing to me anymore", I say while looking at them. They had hurt in their eyes, but why would I care? They are giving me away to strangers. I look at Aiden right in front of me, looking at me with little emotion on his face. I look up at him and roll my eyes. " Can I at least go up to my room and grab some things",I ask while crossing my arms. He looks at the other guys in the room, and they shrug their shoulders. "Quickly", he says while sighing. "I'll take my time", I said rudely while I run up into my room. How can they be doing this to me? Do they hate me? "No, they don't", Aiden says while sitting on the edge of the bed. "Why are you in my room" I ask slightly annoyed. Wait did you just read my mind? This can't be happening. "It's quite simple dear", another voice said through the doorway. I look up to find a guy with. Bright blue eyes, and dark brown hair looking at me with amusement. "So freaking funny", I say with hate in my voice. "I don't want to leave", I said while leaning against my wall with my hands crossed. Another guy walks in and he says "To bad princess, now lets get going". They were about to pick me up and I yelled "Wait"! They paused looking at me with confusion. "What" Aiden said. "Can I at least know everyones name" I said while trying to distract them from leaving. Aiden looks back at the guys and they sigh. "I'm Aiden" he says while smirking. "That's lucifer, and that's Leon, now lets go", he said while taking my hand and walking towards the door. "Wait"!, I yelled again, and he turned around. "Now what?", Aiden said while fully amused and knowing what I was doing. "I need to get my necklace" I say while trying to pull away from him. He lets go and I move to my drawer. They all look at me like they were loosing patience, all except Aiden. He still had that stupid smirk on his face. "I hate him so much" I think to myself while pulling the necklace out of the drawer and into my pocket. "You'll love me eventually" Aiden said while smiling. I rolled my eyes and walked to the door, he grabbed my hand and I looked back one last time to my bedroom. A tear ran down my face, my life is officially over. I walked down by my parents while being dragged by Aiden. I look at them with complete disappoint in my face." I hate you and I will never forgive you for what your doing to me" I whispered to them while they started to cry. Aiden pulled me out to a nice black car. He opened the door for me, and told me to get in nicely. I rolled my eyes and got in. "Where are we going?" I asked sadly. Lucifer sat in the passenger seat and Leon took the drivers seat while Aiden sat next to me. "Hmmmm, lets go home, show you the place, and then get you some new clothes" he answered smiling. I roll my eyes again. "I rather have the clothes I already had" I said getting upset. "You deserve more than what you had" Aiden said. I didn't answer back and laid my head against the leather seat. I slowly drifted off.

[Aidens point of view]

I told her she deserved more than what she had, and she turned her back to me. She hasn't talked in awhile and I said her name. No answer. She drifted off to sleep. I pull her over to me carefully not to wake her up. I laid her so her head would be on my lap, while playing with her hair. She was so beautiful. I kissed her forehead and she flinched. Leon was saying something to lucifer. "Leon, we need to hurry up and get home before she wakes up, I rather not hear her yell", I said while smirking.

We finally got to the house. And her eyes opened oh great, now I have to try and get her out of the car and into the house. I sighed and rolled my eyes. This is going to be fun and I smirked.

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