Part 2

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Ferkala's dream made no sense, even to Ferkala, who was very open-minded, and could understand things easily. Her dream started out at the park across from her house, next to a huge garden, that didn't exist, but was purely made up by her mind to be put in her dream. She was wading through the tall flowers in the garden, looking for something, that thing she wasn't exactly sure of, though. Then, she saw the man at the far end of the garden, and he waved to her. In the dream, he was her friend, she knew him. She trotted over as fast as she could. And jumped on her him legs to hug him. Pegasi aren't the best huggers, so hugs are really awkward unless you are another pegasus. She put her front hooves on his shoulders, and knocked him over. They fell into the flowers and laughed. Then, he disappeared. Ferkala was somehow scared by his disappearance, and woke up frightened. She didn't really know WHY she was frightened, but she was. It was around 4AM when he woke up. She wanted to go to the garden, she REALLY wanted to go to the garden. She slowly got up, and trotted down the stairs. Even though her mom was a very heavy sleeper, and once slept through a glue attack. Ferkala decided it would be fun to pour glue all over her mother while she slept. She didn't really have a reason, but did it anyway, thinking it might be funny. Her mom didn't wake up when she was removed from the bed and hosed down either. Anyways, Ferkala was still careful, and was quiet, because if her mother woke up she could get in SERIOUS trouble. She unlocked the door, opened it, and locked it as she closed it behind her.

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