Chapter 1 - Let The New MVHS Dance Company Year Begin

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"Wow. I got in... I GOT IN!!"

I began screaming! I kept looking at the company list and I couldn't believe I made it onto the Moutain View High School Dance Company.. AND AS A SOPHOMORE! WHAT?! Sophomores barely ever get in. Especially a sophomore girl.

Charlotte came running up to me and she began screaming too.


Charlotte and I became best friends over that freshman year. She was a petite blonde girl who had long shiny hair, gorgeous blue eyes and long lashes that any girl would kill for. She was white and had fair skin. You can pretty much say she was drop dead gorgeous and as light as a feather! Unlike me.

I weigh about 157. I'm consided to have a large frame but a lot of my body weight was muscle...but a good chunk was fat too..unfortunately. I had a hour glass shape body, however! So, whenever I told someone that I weighed that they would be pretty much surprised because it wouldn't look that way. I was so self-consious about my smile. I've had braces since the 7th grade and the beginning of sophomore year was the day they would came off. I had long black hair that dropped a little past my chest and that is super stubborn to comb through. I was hispanic so my skin was uber dark. I had long eyelashes too but they weren't as thick as Charlotte's but that's my fault. I use to use fake eyelashes all the time and that pretty much took a toll on my real ones. My dark, dark, brown eyes made up for it though. I was 5'4 while Charlotte was 5'2. At least, that's what she tells everyone, but we all know she's 5'1 haha!

"I honestly can't believe it! I thought Mr.Young would've chosen Ashley over me! or at least the both of us for that matter...."

We looked over at the list and saw that I was the only to-be sophomore girl that made it on. A bunch of freshmen tried out, including Charlotte, but only two girls made call-backs. That would be Ashley and I. During our entire freshmen year, Ashley was the star pupil of our coach Ms. Jade and she was always consided the best in our class. I wonder how she's handling this...

At that moment I began to hear someone cry out.


Charlotte and I turned around to see a VERY devistated Ashely... She was one of the popular girls at our school and was known to over-react quite a lot.

"WHAT!? HOW DID I?! I, ASHLEY, NOT MAKE IT ON!? I did everything I was told. I'm one of the best dancers and look like a dancer! THIS IS UNFAIR!"

Ashley's possy came up to her and tried comforting her

"You are really good Ashley! And you know you can make it on next year!" said Lily. She was one of Ashley's little followers.

Ashley looked at me with tears in her eyes and gave me a hug. Which caught me by surprise..

"I hope everything goes good for you Sharon! This is the end of the road for me. Maybe I won't even get on next year..I could be SHOT or DEAD by then..."

"Thanks Ashley. But aren't you being a little over-dramatic? I mean, you are a really good dancer so I'm guessing Mr. Young will let you on next year, ya know."

Ashley paused and grabbed me by the arms and looked at me.

"You're right! I am. Of course I am. Well, I'll just be seeing you next year in technique class."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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