Chapter 5

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These wolves were not just any wolves. Wolves are smaller, these ones were huge. Sharp razor blade teeth, and a long snout. Nathan opened the window.

" What are you doing?" I ask alarmed

Nathan smiled at me right before he jumped out the window from his upstairs bedroom. He landed on his feet in front of the wolves. I rushed downstairs and out the door. Nathan looked at me, he saw the worry in my eyes, it wasn't hard to tell that I was scared. Nathan took off his shirt, showing just how gorgeous his body was. Muscles along with his six pack. He quickly undid his zipper, removing his pants. Damn he had a great butt. Too bad he was still wearing boxers, I would have taken him to bed right then and there. God what is wrong with me? This man is changing me, in so many ways, I've never been this attractive to someone before like I am to Nathan. Nathan's body was heated, his arms covered with fur as was his whole body, he jumped in mid air, landing back on the ground in wolf form. He let out a howl, and his ice blue eyes were staring back at me making sure I was okay but I wasn't okay, Nathan was a freaking werewolf. Something I never expected and I knew there was something off, he was different and now I know why. I couldn't think, I went back into the house, and ran back upstairs. This was freaking me out. This man, who I was falling for was a werewolf and I was ready to cry. It scared me so bad, I slumped to the floor of the door locking him out and started crying. Nathan came up as quickly as he could. The door shoved me away as he opened it. I didn't look at him. Balancing on his feet, he took both of his hands and cupped my face.

" Did that frighten you?" Nathan asked, sadness written all over his face

Tears streaming down my face. I nodded.

" Im sorry, but you wanted to know."

" I know, I just didn't expect it." I whispered

" You're a piece of work." Nathan chuckled

Nathan wiped my tears away with his thumb. My eyes locked with his, I brought up my hand to grab his hand. Nathan gasped, I wasn't scared to touch him. I moved my hands across his shirtless chest up to his neck, wrapping my arms around it. I moved closer, and so did he. I stopped halfway and with full force, he pressed his lips to mine, creating a pleasure of something so powerful and intense. Something I couldn't control, our bond was getting stronger, filled with love. My tongue slid in his mouth and he moaned in pure ecstasy as he tasted me. Pulling my body up, he pushed me against the wall. We were close as could be, his erection pressing up against me, suddenly my cellphone rang and we stopped, it was my parents. I answered giving a hello.

" Hello"

" Honey, let me put you on speaker."

" Hi pumpkin it's mom and dad here."

" Hi dad what's going on?"

" Grandma is isn't doing well and we are going to visit her, we know you have school and it's hard for you to leave because then you'll be behind and we don't want that. So maybe you can stay at a someone's house till we get back so you won't be alone."

" Yeah Ill figure it out, send grandma my love."

" Will do honey. Love you"

" Love you"

The call ended.

" What's going on?" Nathan asked still very close to me.

" I need to find a place to stay or I'll-

" You'll stay with me. Luckily It's the weekend and my friends are having a barbecue, maybe you can join me?"

" You want me to stay here?" I asked blankly

" Yeah."

" What about your parents? Don't you need to ask?"

" Trust me they will be fine with it. Considering your the one who will be staying here."

" What's so special about me?"

" Everything, they will love you, your my mate" Nathan smirked

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