Chapter 18

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The cocky smirk that tugged against his lips, struck a terrified feeling in my stomach. His eyes changed from a hazel gold to a deep purple. I tried to loosen the ropes tied around my hands and legs, but it was no use. The rope kept rubbing against my skin, making it burn.

"Obsessed?" He questioned, breaking the silence

" Yes you're obsessed with me. It's fucked up." I yelled

" I'll take that as a compliment." He smirked

My hurtful words didn't touch him.

" Please I beg you, just let me go." I said but it came out as if I was yelling.

He makes his way towards me and roughly grabs my chin making me look at him. Tears streaming down my cheeks, it didn't seem to bother him the slightest.

" Hmmm, what else will you beg me to do?" He chuckles

I remain silent. He is psychotic. I don't know him. I don't know his name. I just wanted to never see him again.

" I see, maybe I should teach you a lesson. How about it?" He smirks

" No, you can't do this" I cried out

" Oh but I can" He says extracting a pair of sharp pointy white teeth

I began to tremble. He was a vampire? I needed to get out of here and fast, who knows what else he'd do to me.

" Oh my god, please don't." I whimpered

He said nothing, his eyes darted to my lips, and then roamed my body.

Without a second to stop it, he kissed my neck, grazing his teeth against my skin. I squirmed trying to make him stop.

" Stop please stop." I shouted

He grabbed the back of my neck holding it in place. His warm breath against it, sending a shiver up my spine.

" You know you like it. Just give into it. Give into me."

Placing small kisses down my neck, to my collarbone and closer to my breasts. He bit at my skin. It felt good but I wanted him to stop. I had to control myself so I wouldn't moan. This didn't feel right. He kicked my chair down making me fall backwards. The ropes undid themselves when the chair broke. I had to run, it seemed like my only opportunity at this moment so I ran. He caught me instantly, digging his nails in my arm. He was fast and my only chance to escape was ruined.

" This will not be allowed. You do as I say or there will be disciplines." He smirked

I shuddered

" Who are you? What are you?" I asked

" Jamie, I'm the vampire prince Bo. You must not be scared. I'm doing this all for a reason. There will be no pain. The only time you will feel pain, is when I turn you."

Nathan's POV:

I walked up to the front door that was ajar. Of course she forgot to close it. As I shut the door behind me, I began to call her name.

" Baby, where are you?"

No answer.

" Baby, come on out, I have cookies." I laughed

I ran up the stairs, looked in the bedrooms, under the beds, closets, showers, everywhere but I could not find her. It began to worry me, Jamie would have called me if she had left to go somewhere. I looked down, and on the table was her cellphone with a note. I picked up the note, with a handwriting, that I didn't recognize and began to read it.

" Lets play a game, you want Jamie back? Well come and find her. You have 72 hours. Ready or not prepare for death."

Signed Bo, the Vampire Prince

I crumpled the paper in my hands. Fury building up inside me. My muscles tensed up, my veins popping out along with them. I rushed out, I didn't bother to take my car. I needed help.


I had to run to get a head start. Jumping into the air, I transformed into a snowy gray wolf, teeth snarling at any sound that came too close. I let out a howl, and immediately my pack joined me in a run. 10 wolves running at my speed. Light gray, charcoal, black, brown, chestnut wolves halted to a stop when we reached the place where we couldn't be seen by any humans.

My packs wolf telepathy voices from all different directions, were talking over me. I had to let out a loud growl, to shut them up.

" Everyone, listen. The vampire prince has taken my mate Jamie. As you know he is very dangerous. I'm expecting you to all help me before something drastic happens, now go." I let out a roar

One by one, wolves descended into a lunge, running out of site. Bo was excessively dangerous. He's killed thousands brutally and physically. Sucking the life out of them slowly or playing tricks to get them to do things to theirselves that they've never thought about. Mind games were his specialty. Preying on people who are weak. I've never wanted to kill someone so bad. I made a promise to never take someone's life but I would gladly break that promise to have him dead.

Sorrryyy about the wait. Hope you like this chapter. Wil update again soon!

- Submissive

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