Chapter 10

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Oh fuck! First time I've ever said a curse word in my life. Fuck! Fuck! I said again. Was Nathan being serious? I asked myself as the words "I love you" repeated in my head. That's basically the only words that were stuck in my head. You can't blame me, any other girl would have had those same words in their head. I stomped my feet in the hall, making loud and squeaky noises as my shoes hit the floor. Nathan made me so mad. He couldn't possibly love a weird girl like me. I didn't even want to see him. He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend and he still made my body melt with this unbelievable longing desire for him. I swung my bag over my shoulder and left the spot where I was supposed to meet him. Outside, was refreshing. The slight cold breeze felt amazing.

" Hey! Jamie is it? You're the one who thinks she stands a chance with Nathan? Ha as if." A short ebony girl said

I turn around to come in contact with her ugly little eyes. She was a twig, so skinny, that she would probably fall through a crack in the floor.

" What?" I asked

" Are you deaf? I said you don't even stand a chance.. bitch" letting the word bitch roll off her tongue.

Whoa, I was in no mood for people to say rude things to me.

" You're wrong" I said turning my back and waving her off.

" Nathan belongs to me. You can't have him, I'd actually like to see you try" She said trying to push my buttons

Turning back around, I walk up to her, not in her face but pretty close.

" Oh really now? Watch me." I said with a tone.

The short ebony girl stared at my upset face, not saying anything.

" Babygirl, where have you been? I've been scared to death wondering where you went. Oh hi Tiffany, I hope you're having a nice chat with my girlfriend. " Nathan smirked

Tiffany stared at Nathan then at myself. Nathan had wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

" Nathan who the fuck is this bitch? You know we are mean't to be together." Tiffany pleaded

" Tiffany please, I've never even been with you, dated you, or ever fucking wanted to do any of that. You need to let your obsession with me go" Nathan said in a calm voice.

" Nathan, I'm not obsessed, I'm just completely in love with you." Tiffany said

Is she serious? I swear I'm about to slap her.

" Whoa, okay, yeah we are going to go. You're obviously not getting it. Nathan doesn't want to be with you. He wants to be with me. End of story." I said pulling Nathan along with me.

" Bitch, just step aside already" A growl coming out of her mouth.

I let go of Nathan's arm. I was about to walk back over to her but Nathan pulled me back. He cupped the sides of my face with his hands and looked at me in my eyes. His body was close to me as possible. I felt his manhood pressing up against my pleading core.

" Don't, lets just leave. She's not worth it." Nathan said

I nodded after his hands dropped to his sides. We walked away leaving Tiffany still upset.


Nathan opened his bedroom door, and entered the dark room. I followed in behind him and shut the door, right when he turned on his light. The lamp was a silver base and the lamp shade was red to match his curtains. I never noticed it before, there a big furry black tug outstretched on the golden brown hard wood floor. The red curtains dangled down to the floor, and were still shut. I could see he liked his privacy. Nathan's pillows were perfect and his bed was made neat and all the wrinkles were smoothed out. At the bottom of the bed was a small heart shape made out of pink and red rose petals. In the center of it was a little navy blue box, the kind that you'd see in ring shops.

" Well are you just going to stand there looking at it or are you going to open the damn box?" Nathan chuckled

I moved my feet over towards the bed and picked up the tiny delicate box. I closed my eyes, scared of what I might see. I opened my eyes and looked at Nathan. He was sitting in a chair in the corner, crossing his legs. His smile was devilish but sexy at the same time. His white v-neck shirt fit his body perfectly, tight and showed his six pack. I looked down, to see a slight bulge in his pants and looked up quickly before he could notice. I don't think I could ever get used to his amazing eyes, crazy gorgeous smile, chiseled jawline and moist lips. I licked my dry lips, wanting his lips to be on mine. Nathan smiled at me and got up ,walking towards me. Nathan took the tiny box from my hand that was still closed and placed it back onto the bed. Nathan moved closer towards me, backing me into a wall.

" Nathan-" I said pressing my hands onto his rock hard chest to stop him.

Nathan grabbed both my wrists and leaned into me. Placing his body in line with mine. He pressed his amazingly big manhood into my throbbing wet core. I couldn't help but let out a moan as he pressed harder into me.

" Be my girlfriend." Nathan demanded

Nathan pressed even more and moved his hips, making my panties soaking wet. I wanted so badly to be his girlfriend. I was already jealous of a girl who wanted him. I was literally in to deep already.

" Okay" I gasped

" Okay what?" Nathan said playfully

" I will be-

" Be what?

" I will be your girlfriend. Ahh" I said and moaned

Nathan smiled, clearly he was deciding what he was going to do next. I just hope it was good. Nathan cupped the sides of my face with his hands and pressed his lips roughly against mine. I kissed him back with the same force that he used. I wanted an entrance, to taste him. With that, Nathan opened his mouth, and I pushed my tongue inside. Our tongues danced, letting a hot spark to be placed all over our bodies. My phone began to ring. I didn't want this moment to end but it was my dads special ring, I had to answer it. Nathan stopped and moved a couple inches away from me. The loss of his touch was painful. I grabbed my phone and answered it.

" Hi dad, what's up?" I said

" Sweetie, this is umm really hard to say." my dad sighed

" What? What's going on?" I asked alarmed

" Sweetie, grandmas gone."

" What? Oh my god, what happened?" Tears rolling down my cheek.

" She was.. Murdered"

authors note:

Wow I bet you weren't suspecting that, if you were, props for you! Lol. I love all you fans, I can't believe I have so many reads. LOVE!! Thank you! Updating to tomorrow.


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