Cobra Angel

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Ace Merrill POV.

His body was slick with lukewarm sweat from a terrible nightmare passed; his eyes snapped awake, only to come face to face with the more frightening reality of an empty bed. He let his heart rate calm with every breath her took, feeling a certain pang of emotion that was only present in times of sadness. Though it hurt more now than it had last night when the love of his life had left him, it was hitting him now. His stupid mistake was hitting him, the stupid mistake he had decided to make without any thought; if only his ego hadn't gotten in the way of everything. For once a woman in his life was right, Holly Chambers' was right.. He was an asshole, and even those words hadn't been able to escape the lips of the beautiful woman before she had disappeared out of his life.

Usually a dream was no more than a dream, but tonight the guilt of what he had done to her was creeping up on him again. It was only last night, but it felt as though the thought of her had been haunting him for much longer. It made him shiver to the core to think he had lost yet another person he had loved; that wasn't his intention, but he should have known that's what his actions would have led too.

His guilt had formed a dream within his head; a dream of her smiling face turned towards another man, her lips on his cheek and a burning love that would never be extinguished. It hurt him deeply to have had to watch that scene play out before his eyes, unable to make a sound nor wake up. Just laying there with tears forming beneath his closed eyelids as reality was hit him hard.

She could have another man now, she's free to the world, he thoughts to himself as a cold shiver ran down his spine, she's really gone.

She was gone, for good. It was one dumb mistake made by a dumb guy who was looking for to uphold his reputation as the Castle Rock bad boy. If anybody were to ask him if that little kiss with the town whore worth it, he would have said no. But talking about his mistake with anyone other than Holly wasn't going to get her back, he doubted if she would ever forgive him for what he had done.

His mind raced at an unimaginable speed as he lay awake, the covers crumbled at his feet. There wasn't any way to get his love, his angel back from that train now. She was over a hundred miles away from the little town where he lies in the discomfort of his own bed, on the midnight train to Portland. All because of one stupid mistake, that left him alone in his darkened room.

He wished he had his angel perched on his shoulder now, that's exactly what Holly was. His angel on his shoulder, and he never cease to tell her that every once in awhile. She was the only woman who walked into his life and made a big difference, keeping him out of trouble and steering him to the good side of things. He used to believe he was going to heaven just because of her; his angel, who was flying away as he lay restlessly.

He sucked in a deep breath and let his eyes fall close once more, hoping there wouldn't be another terrible nightmare awaiting him.

He seen his angel again, but this time she was smiling. In her ripped skin tight jeans and classic white tee, she looked as though she could conquer anything. Her long blonde locks were kept down in waves cascading down to her mid-back, her icy blue eyes staring right at him. She was beautiful, and whomever disagreed with him would surely get a smack in the back of the head; of course no one would ever say such a thing to Ace Merrill's face. Holly was his world, and the whole town knew it. That's why he had kissed that damn whore in Irby's Billiards, just to keep that reputation.

One of the guys at the bar had yelled out: 'Holly's got ya whipped!' and with that the whore leaned in and Ace had taken her lips on his. The kiss had only been a thing to prove to who ever had yelled at him wrong; his reputation was at stake. The truth had hurt him when he knew the whole bar of Irbys could see the look on love in his eyes, because he was the bad boy. Never to settle down and never to end his spree of breaking innocent hearts. But truth was, he wasn't that heart breaker anymore.. He was just John Ace Merrill, trouble maker but defiantly not heart breaker. He just wants her back, he didn't want to be the Ace of hearts anymore. He just wanted to be with her again. He can feel the changes that Holly has made already.. He was crying over her, a girl. He hadn't cried over a woman since his mother had passed, and he vowed after her tragic death he never would again. But here he is, sulking in depression as he lay awake tonight, thoughts of her running through his mind once more.

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