Dumb-founded Angel

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Holly Chambers POV.

After another half an hour of casual catching up and conversating, Holly and Eyeball hung up and went on with their day's; promising each other to call back soon. Chris hadn't been home, he was gone to the treehouse with his best friends, so Holly still hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him. The next call Eyeball promised to make sure he was home, but until than he would tell the younger Chambers' boy his mother-figure loved and missed him so much. It seemed mushy for a Cobra, but Eyeball seemingly didn't mind saying that to Chris for Holly, he knew it would make his little brother feel better than he had before he had recived those words; so for that he would.

Holly sat at her kitchen table, chewing on an apple and flipping through a trashy magazine. She was trying to keep her mind from roaming back to Ace Merrill, and how much she truely wanted to have a conversation with him. Too hear the sound of his voice.. To hear the emotion breaking through his tone. It was than she would know exactly where they stood, and if she was sleeping next to him.

Closing her eyes she gripped the edge of the magazine in utter terror and curiousity, wondering endlessly if Richie had been right. 

What if he was heartbroken?

She asked herself with a sigh, biting her lip nervously as she reached for the phone than let her arm drop again.

No.. Not now.. I can't-

Ace Merrill POV.

Breathing heavily he peered across the room at the now broken picure laying lifelessly on the hard wood floor. The picture was split in the center, separtaing his lips from her cheek; creating more anger from deep within him. 

Thats when the phone rang. The sound echoed throughout the house, leaving a paralized Ace Merrill standing in middle of his room, unable to move.

Fuck it, probley only Hogan anyways..

He thought to himself, collasping onto his bed in a heap; obviously going back into hibernation once more.

Alexandra Merrill POV.

Alex found herself nearly through the front door when a picture smashed and the phone began to ring merely seconds later. Confusion ran through her body, debating weather not to check on her brother of awnser the call; avoiding drama she ran across the room towards the phone.

"Hello?" She asked in an nervous tone, looking done the hall to where her brothers door lay; broken glass hidden somewhere inside of the room. She dismissed it for a moment while the voice awnsered back, leaving the first dumbfounded Merrill of the day.


The young girl froze, her heart pounding her chest.. Ace would never believe this, it was really her.


Holy shit!

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