Forbidden Angel

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Ace Merrill POV.

Ace was so far gone in his own depression that he hadn't noticed the older Merrill take a seat on the bar stool next to him. He simply took another slow sip from his drink, letting his cold blue eyes graze the tattered television screen for the hundredth time tonight. Some old western was playing, Ace had seen it playing here a thousand times before while he sat with his boys and caused trouble in the tiny bar. Melvin, The Mellow Tiger's owner, had rarely switched the tapes that played on a repetitious loop; nobody even watched the old television anyways. He had never really paid attention to what was happening unless he was really tipsy, but even then he had no interest in the plot. A lot like most of the regulars here at The Mellow Tiger.

"Gotta quarter?" A gruff voice asked from beside him. Ace hadn't even flinched, he just continued to drown into his drink as if nothing was said. Assuming it was a greaser from out of town, begging for some money for his next drink Ace hadn't even turned to see who the voice was coming from. He was intent on finding out the plot of this movie once and for all, it was the best thing he had to do here at the pub tonight. He was completely focused on the movie screen, un-knowing that it was his father-figure sitting beside him.

Reginald sighed and placed a hand on his nephews shoulder, in which Ace spun around and came face to face with his Uncle. He looked up into the older Merrill's eyes and seen a flicker of what was caught to be 'pity'. Usually this would anger the young man, he hated to be pitied on; but tonight, he didn't care anymore. If Holly wasn't by his side, than there was nothing to care about anymore. He would simply sit here and drink his cares away as she sat miles away in Portland, starting a new, all because of him. His friends were even a little pissed a him, not that they'd show it, but he knew they were. Who couldn't be? He had hurt Holly badly, and he was the reason for her leaving. None of the boys dare come to Ace's house and confront him about it, but he could see in Chris Chambers' eyes; if he was a little older and a little stronger he wouldn't mind trying his luck at beating Ace's ass.

Fat chance, Ace thought as his familiar trademark smirk came upon his lips and his Uncle simply shook his head.

"What happened to you, son? What have you done to yourself?" Reginald nearly whispered almost to himself as Ace's smirk whipped from his face at once, and a deep frown took over.

"I lost something that I'm never gonna be able to get back, that's what happened." Ace replied slowly, trying his best to clear his words so Reginald would have no idea how much he had actually drank. But there was no way of hiding it, and the Reginald almost laughed at him trying; so much like his younger brother.

"So I've heard." He replied quietly, breaking eye contact with his nephew and looked towards the wrinkled man behind the bar. He signaled for two more drinks, as Ace absently watched him, not denying the drink at all. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a couple bills and tossed them across the bar in which the man smiled and passed the two men their drinks. He left with a good tip, but Ace didn't mind; at least he did one good thing in the last twenty four hours.

"I was going to pay, John." Reginald sighed, but simply grinned at his nephews reply.

"I maybe off my rocker right about now, but I still have class, Pop." The older Merrill let a low chuckle escape his lips as he put a rude elbow on the bar and peered at his nephew.

He even looks like him, he thought with a grin as he watched Ace take a sip from his drink.

"So you lost something that you may not be able to get back than huh?" Reginald started once more, wishing to get on the topic of Holly. After all, her absence had hurt him as well; she was one of his loyal customers, and soon to be employee. She would drop down to the junk shop every now and than and help Pop Merrill with anything that needed to be done, and he had promised her a job ever since she was a little girl. She had worked for him one summer, but that seemed so long ago now that she was gone from the tiny town. He needed answer's, truthful ones.

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