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I woke up to the annoying screeching of my alarm yelling at me to get out of bed. I picked up my phone and turned off the alarm.  "Ugh why are mornings a thing, No one really liked them,right Frosty? " I said to my dog who was currently cutting off all circulation to me feet.

She responded with a "snufgle" and proceeded to crawl back under the covers. Apparently she hates mornings as much as I do.

I walked to my closet and pulled out a black T-shirt and blue jeans
,after putting those on I pulled my black messy hair into a quick ponytail.

Slipping into a sweater I called Frosty to go outside.  It was like someone flipped a switch,  she went from sleepy grumpy dog to speeding blur down the stairs in 5 seconds flat.

It was a beautiful fall day outside cold and crisp everything had frozen over night leaving a sparking silver wonder land.

"Catch me if you can Frost!" I yelled taking off running into the woods surrounding our small two story house in the Pennsylvania woods. Barking and bounding she took off after me. 

I made it a good 10 feet before she caught up to me, running in circles in front of me she eventually dove for me legs and knocked me over.

I landed with a "oof" on a crackling pile of leaves and Frost promptly crawled up and sat on my chest laying her head on my mine.

"Okay I surrender get off me yah fatty" I gasped out pushing her off of me.

Let me introduce myself my name is Isabella Morgan, I'm 15 and have black hair and green eyes.

I live in a small house in the Pennsylvania woods with my parents and my little brother Wesley and older sister Kate.

I always wake up way on days like this because its the only time I can get a little peace and quiet. Don't get me wrong I love my family but they can get a little....loud.

Looking at my watch I could see that it was about the time that mom was gonna be getting up.

Getting up I started walking towards the house. I got a weird feeling that someone was watching me.  I don't know why, maybe it was the way Frost walked so close to me she was touching my legs,  maybe it was the twig snaps ever so often.

Getting anxious I quickend my pace and made it to the front t door opening at and slamming it behind me.

"Bella honey is that you? " I heard my mom call from the kitchen.

"Yeah mom it's me, I just took Frost for a walk " I said wrong into the kitchen

"Ooo coffee!" I said grabbing a mug and filling it up with half coffee and a quarter creamer.

"What are you making mom?" I asked sniffing around
"It smells amazing! Is that...Waffles! " I said grabbing a piece of bacon off the plate by the stove.

"Yes it is and that is not your bacon young lady " My mom said while slapping my hands away

"Go wake up your brother and sister"

"Aww mom do I have to?? You know how grumpy Kate is in the morning! "

"Right now Isabella" she said shooing my out of the kitchen.

Walking up the stairs I ran into Wesley's room and jumped onto his bed.

"Get up smelly little boy!!" I yelled ripping off his blankets and tickling him.

"No no no!!  Get off me Bella! " he yelled putting his head under the pillows.

"moms making waffles and baaaccon " I said throwing his pants at him.

"fine fine" he said getting up.

"Now into the lions den" I whispered

Wes giggled and said "good luck".

Walking across the hall I knocked on Kate's door and opened it a peek.

"Kate, moms making breakfast and she wants you to get up" I said

I wasn't expecting the pillow that came flying put of the abyss.

"Fine whatever, GO AWAY! " She yelled getting up and slamming the door.

Yeesh  does she have to be so grumpy all the time? I thought to myself going back down the stairs and sitting down.

I know right? Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed .

I jumped and squeaked a little.

"What the actual heck was that?? " I whispered hitting my head with palm of my hand a little.

Um hello?

Nothing, must've been my imagination

Walking down stairs I sat down at the table.
By then mom and dad had already sat down.

"Good morning Bella" my dad said piling waffels onto my plate.

"Morfning" I mumbled through a mouthful of bacon.


I jumped back and out of my chair.

"Bella whats wrong?! " my mom said looking at me like I had just sprouted tentacles.

"Um nothing.. Nothing. " I said picking up my and sitting back down.

Isabella ,we need to talk, don't ignore me.

I choked on my bacon and took a swig of juice, "Um I have to go to bed my um..head hurts" I said standing up.

"Okay honey take some medicine " my mom said

I turned around and walked upstairs, when I hot to my room I closed and locked the door. Sitting on my bed I stared at floor, am I going crazy? I mean hearing voices?

You are not crazy Isabella, just special

Who are you?? What do you want??

My name is Luna and I need to tell you something that you won't believe at first but.. You will come around it time.

No okay no you aren't real I'm just..tired or im dreaming.

Isabella. Turn around.

I turned around quickly, gasped and jumped back a little.

Standing in front of me was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life

White waist length hair, shining ice blue eyes, she was wearing a long dress that looked like it was made out of ice.

A clear crown sat gracefully on her head.

She radiated power and control,yet she smiled gently down at me.

"Greeting Isabella, My name is Luna Hiems, You'd better take a seat my dear because I've got a lot to explain

Hello people's! I know it's been forever since I've updated and I plan to start updating at least once a month. I'm going to rewrite it so alot Is different. Well bye bye frens!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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