Hasn't anyone ever told you not to Blink?
Blink and you're dead.
Blink and you're forgotten.
Don't Blink.
You've been warned. Good Luck
x x x x x x x
Meet Tunbridge College's walking mystery. A girl named Blink who eats candy to quell her smoking u...
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Justin groaned as he looked across the classroom to read the time. He realized the lecture had gone on for more than 40 minutes and the teacher had yet to let up.
"In Victorian England the conflict between religion and science was well reflected in their literature. Today we'll look at two poems that seemingly introduce this conflict, In Memoriam and Dover Beach. These both being the two that were publicly published—"
"Does she always talk this much?" Justin questioned, leaning slightly towards the left in his seat to grasp Reagan's attention.
Reagan nodded apprehensively.
She was very nice from what Justin gathered of her so far. She must've liked the color pink because everyday she wore some article of clothing of the color. Today it happened to be her knee high length socks. Light pink with a white octagonal pattern. She was a little different from most girls around school, but Justin didn't think she minded.
"She likes to hear herself talk, I believe," he heard Reagan whisper back. "I don't think her husband pays much attention to her back home"
That caught his attention. He knew that feeling of not being worth someones — anyones— attention for even a second. So, is that why he suddenly felt bad for her? It had to be, since he couldn't stop the swell of the rock in his throat and the bubbling of his stomach.
"How do you know that?" Maybe it was just an assumption...
"At the end of every year we have a gala for the school, teachers included. Last year...I don't know, it was just obvious. The poor woman couldn't even get her husband to hold her hand for longer than a minute." That was the most Reagan had ever spoken towards him. He was sure of it.
"That sucks." He muttered before the class was interrupted by a phone ringing. It was the classroom phone that had a line specifically to the office.
"Hello?" Mrs Johnson sung into the phone, an indirect message to the class that they could start talking.
"Oh! Right away" with that she hung up the phone and motioned straight to Justin. "Mr. Reeves, you're wanted in the Dean's office"
Not knowing exactly why he was being called to the office, he gathered his folder and quickly stuffed it in his bag before muttering a goodbye to Reagan and closing the door behind himself.
"Boo!" Justin nearly crawled out of his skin until he noticed it was Blink standing in front of him in her usual attire of all black.
"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me." He raised his hand to rush through his locks to ease the anxiousness, swooping down seconds later to pick up his backpack he'd dropped to swing it over his shoulder. "I need to go to the office, mind showing me where its at?"
"You're not needed in the office, that was me on the phone" Blink chuckled. "I ditched today and I needed someone to do it with"
"How exactly do you miss so much school and still pass class?" He questioned, following her lead when she grabbed his hand and began pulling him out the building.