Hasn't anyone ever told you not to Blink?
Blink and you're dead.
Blink and you're forgotten.
Don't Blink.
You've been warned. Good Luck
x x x x x x x
Meet Tunbridge College's walking mystery. A girl named Blink who eats candy to quell her smoking u...
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The next hour was like a blur.
Blink watched in horror as Justin —freshly awoken from sleep and still shirtless— was bound from the van and thrown into the truck opposite of hers. Not being able to protest, she watched as Lou gave a covert signal and the car took off in the other direction.
As she stared out the window, her hands unconsciously picking at the leather seats, she was glad she knew exactly where they were going. Down 17th street and to the right past Mo's convenience store...she knew exactly where they were going.
Lou was known to run his business down under Antietam Avenue bridge. The cops rarely ever came that far out west of the city and the train tracks, the mere reasoning for the bridge, never hosted trains as late as Lou's business ran. Not to mention the place was a shadow. All you had to do was simply slip into the darkness it created and it was like no one was even there. Hence, the perfect place to sell his drugs.
"Lou, I'm not selling your drugs anymore." Blink felt a bit of defiance building within her veins. Not only did she have to be up and at her house to teach Althea in the morning, but she could feel her stress levels rising not knowing where Justin was. Thinking about who he was with made it even worse, especially knowing it was with a gang of Lou's men. "Do you not remember the last time? Do you not remember me nearly getting caught?"
"You said anything sweetheart, and there is nothing better to my ears than my best dealer offering just that" he chuckled. "You had to know that little deal we made about you only working at the club wasn't going to work. Once you're in, you can't get out Blink. What do you think this is? This is real life, not some fairytale where you run around the city with your little boyfriend and screw me over after everything I've done for you."
"I'm not doing this Lucas," she ground out his real name through barred teeth. "I know you have no idea what its like to actually work hard and not have your daddy do your work for you, but I have to be somewhere early tomorrow. I'm not gunna sit here and sell until the crack of fucking dawn."
As if it was all timed out, Lou pulled up to the curb just shy of the opening of the bridge. Sighing out in frustration, the guy sitting next to Blink was already out of the car and opening up the door for her to step out.
"For christ sake Lou, I'm in my underwear!"
"I think that factor will really draw out the shy ones" he chuckled mockingly and Blink wished so badly that should could reach out and smack the smile off of his scarred face.
Then, he was reaching into the passenger seat, his arm moving up and over the passenger headrest to hand Blink a book bag. Quickly unzipping it, her lips silently counted the number of grams of cannabis and cocaine, all weighed and tied up in clear plastic baggies.
"I want all of them sold before morning," he zipped the backpack up for her and shoved it in her direction. "You leave one fucking zip at the bottom of that bag and I'll leave your boyfriend with some permanent damage."