The Ninja: Part 3

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Jay and Kai have joined this conversation
Jay: hiiiiiiiiiiiii Kai! Rhyme! Yay!
Kai: hi jay
Jay: so kai, whats up?
Kai: idk
Jay: oh
Cole has joined this conversation
Cole: hey :)
Kai: hey
Jay: whazzup?
Cole: nothin
Jay: the sky?
Cole: yes but, not for long
Jay: wait wat?
Jay has left this conversation
Kai: cole!!!!
Cole: wat?
Kai: (/ _ ~)
Cole: sry....
Kai: s'ok man
Cole: :(
Zane and Jay have joined this conversation
Zane: hi guys
Jay: im back
Kai: yay hi
Jay: ;D
Zane: how is everyone?
Cole: im good
Kai: 👍
Jay: im shocking lol
Zane: oh it was a joke. haha
Kai: ugh
Cole: so where's lloyd
Jay: training
Zane: with nya
Kai: yea
Cole: kk
Cole: gtg
Cole has left this conversation
Zane: i have 2 run bye
Kai: bai
Zane has left this conversation
Jay: so kai, can I go out with nya?
Kai: NOO!
Jay: y?
Kai: cuz
Jay: cuz y?
Kai: cuz shes my sis, k?
Jay: y?
Kai: >:[
Jay: :(
Kai: >:[ 🔥
Jay: :'(
Kai: >:-[ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥
Jay: 0_0 bai
Jay has left this conversation
Kai: that ought ta teach 'im
Kai has left this conversation

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