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I needed to write. I had so many feelings, emotions and fears bottling up inside of me that I needed to write it all down. I needed to see the words on the pages as they flowed out of me and my messed up life begin to slowly make sense. I'm not writing this because I want someone to read it, like a record of all of the horrible things that have happened, I don't imagine anyone coming to read this, but after everything that's happened, it wouldn't be the craziest. I write only to clear my head, to take back some of my sanity.

There was a boy who lived in the same orphanage as me when I was younger. Now my memories of that life have mostly faded, I can't even remember the boy's name anymore. In way's I am glad to have forgotten somethings, to leave out the horrible parts of my life, still it leave puzzle pieces missing in my story, everything that's not quite in place, jumbled in my head.

I do, however, remember that he was short with dark hair and glowing green eyes, out of all the things I remember about him, I remember his eyes the most.

He ran away a lot, he used to say it was because he went looking for adventures, but we all knew that he had it hardest of all there. Sometimes I ran away with him too, not to escape the harsh life we both shared, he just seemed so brave and free willed that I couldn't stay at home while he went on adventures. On his last day, the last day before he left for what seemed like forever he came to see me.

I was sleeping, only lightly, thank goodness or I might have not heard him knocking at my window that night. The quiet tapping woke me up and I wondered curiously to the window where he was waiting. His green eyes twinkling with excitement stared into mine and he whispered so only I could hear;

"Come away with me..."

I knew what to do, I had done this thousands of times. Pulling up the window revealing the cold night air, I swiftly swung my legs out to stand on the small wooden ledge. I climbed steadily down the wall until my feet were planted softly back on soil. With that we both ran into the night, hand in hand, our way lighted by the dull street lights.

We ran and ran till we came to the edge of the forest. I was only wearing my sleeping clothes and had run out bare foot as my feet now ached from running through the sticks and uneven ground. Tall dark trees hang over us and peering into the forest and through them was nearly impossible. The forest had always scared me but he was never scared and as I turned my head slightly to see his face his eyes shone with excitement. He turned to me, still holding my hand and spoke.

"I have to go."

"Where?" I asked sadly, already knowing the answer.

"Anywhere but here." He replied simply.

"Stay with me, please, don't leave me here." Pleading a single tear fell from my cheek.

"Come with me, run, come away with me..." he said turning his whole body to face me. I nodded, knowing that truly in those woods would be a better life for the both of us then the life of cadged animals we were living.

Suddenly the sound of people rushing and cars pulling up could be heard close by. His face suddenly changed to fear and my whole body froze, my legs turning too led. We both knew that they had realized we were gone and were coming after us.

He pulled my arm as to drag me into the forest but I couldn't move. Like darkness overwhelming I was suddenly trapped and the signals from my brain going down to my legs to get me to run had been cut off. Eventually he gave up trying to pull me he realized I couldn't move, and that I was paralysed.

"I will come back for you!" He cried out to me as he ran on his own looking back into my eyes before disappearing for good.

They had found me and taken me back but he managed to get away. They never found him and because I didn't actually know where he went all the beatings in the world couldn't get him back here. Years and years I stayed in that hell hole, to afraid to leave because I was certain he was coming back for me, but he never did.

It got better though, eventually in the process of being sold off as a slave I was rescued by an organization and adopted by the age of 12, 4 years later, to an old widowed woman who wanted a child to fill the loss of her husband. Somewhere along the way I gave up hoping he would come find me and forgot about the promises he had made to me, but never forgetting the adventures or his big, bright, green eyes the glowed with wonder.

I never believed I would see those eyes again, but somehow in that very moment his eyes starred through me again. I knew instantly it was him and my words had vanished and the air sucked out of my lungs in shock. Just like old times he leaned in closely and he whispered in my ear so only could hear, once more,

"Come away with me..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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