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December 23, 2016, the start of our short but meaningful Christmas break.

I blew at my already mitten-covered hands to keep warm, my nose scrunching up at the chilly snow falling from the sky. I hugged my trench coat closer to my frame as my neck seemed to shiver with goosebumps.

"Hey, London?" I looked up from my locker to meet eyes with a certain brunette, "Hi Jasper, what's up?" 

The corners of his mouth twitched up to a lopsided grin, my eyebrows seemed to knit together at his hesitancy. "Could we meet up at the spot later today?"

"Sure." I nodded, standing up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the lips; it reached the corner of his mouth, making me giggle. "See you!"

I couldn't help but wonder what Jasper wanted to talk about as I recalled the memory. I smacked my chapped lips and rocked my feet, waiting continuously for him to arrive.

"Hey." My head shot up as I heard the familiar voice, smiling, I greeted, "Hi."

My smile gradually descended into a frown as the atmosphere between us felt heavy. If my math was right, I could say there were more or less 2 meters between us.

His cheeks tinted with red and he was wearing a beanie, along with his leather jacket over his winter coat. He did not wear a smile, his eyes were looking everywhere but mine.

I took a step forward while he took a step back, a lump unknowingly forming in my throat. "J-Jasper, wh-what's wrong?" My words seemed to come out as stuttered, from the cool weather or from the nervousness, I don't really know.

"London..." His tone seemed deviant to the one I was familiar with. It was like the voice I've heard the first time we met in our Freshman year, distant and atypical.

He sighed a heavy sigh, one that restrained my body from reacting, "Our Junior year is almost over, we've been together since we were just in Freshman..."

"Things just don't feel the same as they used to do."

One sentence to make my heart stop.

"I-I don't understand, w-what do you mean?"

One question that was forced to be said.

"I'm breaking up with you, London."

Stop. Like a broken clock it just stopped...


"W-Why? Is it because of T-Tony? Scarlett? You know I-I could just talk to her about it a-and she'd let it-" My voice seemed to crack even more, tears already spilling out.

"This is not about Scarlett nor Tony, this is about you and me." An inaudible gasp made its way to my lips. You and me? He always said us.

That's when I completely broke down into tears.

"I-I'm sorry," For the first time in this whole conversation, his voice sounded like the voice I was familiar with, the voice that made me fall one too many times.

Footsteps crunched the snow, approaching me. A warm but cold hand touched my shoulder, "Don't touch me!"

I shrugged his hand off, looking at him with rage filling my tear-stained cheeks.

His face morphed into sympathy but contained indifference, and it absolutely made my knees weak.

"Goodbye, London."

With that, he left.

He left me in the chilly snow. He left me with tear-filled eyes. He left my life and he left me broken...

When did it go wrong? How did it go wrong?

And so, I was left there, crying my heart out on the chilly winter day.

December 23, 2016, the end of our long but meaningless relationship.

A date I will never forget.

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