The Unexpected Request

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Aphmau POV

"A mail from Zane? Why did he sent me a mail? Why not he just confronts me when he wanted to do something evil?

Turns out, it's not something evil but, I'm not sure how to tell this to Garroth, Laurance, Aaron, Katelyn and.. basically everyone!


Dear Lord Aphmau the Leader of the Phoenix Alliance,

Okhasis are more than happy to make peace between all of the villages, including the ones that has joined The Phoenix Alliance. Why this sudden act? I, Zane the High Priest, would want to meet you tomorrow the first thing in the morning. You may bring your guards and weapons if you feel uncomfortable and unsafe, but, know that my gurads and I will not do anything dangerous near you. I just wanted to make a.. marriage between you, Aphmau and I, Zane.

I hope I made this all clear! We just want peace and to happily join the Phoenix Alliance.

-Zane the High Priest.

Aphmau POV

"W-w-wh.. WHAT?!?!? Z-Zane? O'khasis? MARRIAGE?!?!?!" I screamed loudly waking up Lilith, Aaron heard me from outside Lilith's bedroom door.

Aaron walked out and reached out to me "Are you okay? You woke Lilith Garnet up..".

I told him "NO!". I was panicking I didn't know how to tell him about what just happened.

"Aaron..." tears started to fall down my cheeks as I hugged him.

"A-Aphmau? What's going on?"

"Aaron, my life is going to be ruined.. I don't think I can do this anymore..." I replied crying in his arms.

"Aphmau take a breather and tell me everything!"

  A few minutes later...

Aaron POV

(thoughts) What?! Aphmau and Zane together? NO! NEVER! I WONT LET HIM DESTROY APHMAU'S LIFE! I WILL NEVER!!

I saw her crying not knowing what to do. I tried to comfort her, it didn't work. She kept crying her eyes out!

"Aphmau! we CANT let this happen! I won't let you go through this alone! You can't accept this! This is madness!" I told her.

She kept mumbling and crying.. "R-really Aaron... You would do that?"

"Yes, I will never let you suffer living with Zane!" I said.

She hugged me tightly as if she wouldn't let me go, I won't judge her though.

Aphmau POV

(Thoughts while hugging Aaron)Thank Irene, Im glad Aaron will help me through this! But, what happen if I start to develop feelings for Zane? What happen if I go obsessed with him? What happen if-- UGH! I can't think of this right now!

I let go of Aaron realizing that I've been in his arms for such a long time. Well, if I want to talk to Zane about this... Then I should wait till' tomorrow!

The Unexpected Wedding (Aphmau x Zane)Where stories live. Discover now