6 - When they throw you away

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Today, Harry has decided to start job and flat hunting. After learning about the deal with the Maliks that Lilian has agreed to, he knows that it is time for him to go out on his own. There's a big chance that the property that Zayn is talking about is this very house with which Harry is currently living in and he does not want to go homeless if it is. In preparation for his move, Harry clears out his room. He packs his meager possessions, clothes, a towel and his blankets, into his old backpack. His trinket collection and books are then placed on a duffle bag, along with his toiletries. He puts both of the bags on top of his now bare bed and gets ready to head out.

He takes a quick shower, making sure to thoroughly wash his long hair and body and brush his teeth so that they are all squeaky clean to make a good impression on his future employers. Next, he changes into his only pair of slacks and a peach-colored button down. He tucks his top into his pants and wears a belt to secure it. He then lets his hair air dry as he shoves his used clothing inside a laundry bag and then inside his backpack. Afterwards, he runs a comb through his hair to fix it. Once done, Harry checks himself in the vintage full body mirror that he found here in the attic, making sure that he looks his best. He smiles at himself into the reflective surface, confident enough to land a decent job.

Downstairs, Harry has successfully avoided his adopted family members because he knows that they are still asleep, after all it is only 6:30 in the morning. He tiptoes past the bedrooms and empty living room in his journey to the front door. Before going out, Harry shoves his feet into his trusty oxfords. Then, as silently as he can, he exits the quiet house.

The streets are deserted. Harry admires the beauty and silence of the early morning. He decides to make his way to the café that he frequents for a quick breakfast. He reaches the quaint shop, Café Diem, after a few more minutes and enters it, noticing that he's the first customer of the day. He takes a deep breath of the lively scent of coffee and smiles.

"Good morning," the barista in charge greets.

Harry proceeds to the counter. "Hi, good morning."

"What can I get for you today?"

"A cup of capuccino and, erm, one of these healthy morning muffins, please."

"That'll be £5.43, Sir."

Harry counts his money and hands over a tenner. He is then given his change, which he places inside his wallet after. He watches as the barista expertly makes his capuccino, place his muffin on a plate and then assembling everything on a tray. The barista rings the bell, despite Harry being in front of the pick-up counter, and grins.

"Capuccino and a healthy morning muffin! Enjoy."

Harry returns the smile, thanks the cheery young man and takes his food to a table near the windows. He puts his tray down and gets a free newspaper from the magazine rack. He takes a sip of his coffee and sighs in content. He then takes a bite out of his muffin and pulls out the pen that he has shoved in his pocket. Harry flips through the newspaper, looking for the classified ads section. Perhaps it is because of how old school it is compared to searching for jobs online, but Harry couldn't help notice that the classifieds section is very small now, only spanning a page and a half of the paper. Nonetheless, Harry feels confident that he'll find a job through it.

Time passes by quickly and before Harry knows it, he has already gone through several jobs that he fits well within the requirements, his coffee and muffin are finished and the café is now buzzing with customers. Not wanting to occupy space that new customers can use, Harry gets up and leaves, tucking the newspaper under his arm.

The first job on Harry's list is a family-owned bakery, The Bread Corner. He is a tad hesitant to apply here because he lacks any knowledge of baking, but he tries anyway. To his utter surprise, he gets hired. According to Alexander, the owner, Harry's lack of knowledge in baking does not matter because he will be teaching him how to bake and that he can start next week, Monday. After promising to work hard, Harry leaves the store with a little spring to his step.

Sadly, the next two jobs on Harry's list end up not accepting him. The bookstore/coffee shop/florist shop one has just completed their roster of employees and the teacher's assistant job by the local pre-school is in need of a female applicant because the male position is already filled out.

Harry isn't discouraged.

At 4 in the afternoon, Harry is seen entering a beer garden for the last job vacancy on his list. Immediately, he is approached by the owner of the business, who introduces himself as Liam Payne, a young business tycoon. He explains to Harry that all he needs is a server, who can move fast and efficiently, especially on nights that the place is packed. Harry shyly tells him that he has a bit of experience on the industry because he has worked on a breakfast diner before. He doesn't think it'll be helping his chances of being accepted, but is proven wrong when Liam looks impressed by his admission and hires him right off the bat.

Grateful, Harry shakes the lad's hand enthusiastically when they got around to signing the contract. Liam tells Harry that he starts on Saturday night, which is two days from now, today being a Wednesday.

"Oh and before I forget," Liam adds as they stand infront of the beer garden's doors, ready to part ways. "You wouldn't happen to know anyone interested in renting a flat, do you? I've been looking for someone to rent the last door on my complex, but so far, I haven't had much luck."

Harry thinks this might be the luckiest day of his young life, the day that everything starts to look up for him. He stares at Liam with surprise, green eyes wide. "Mr. Payne, I am looking for a flat."

Liam beams, all crinkly-eyed and happy. "This is great, then," he says. "Want to check the place out? I'll give it to you for a friendly price."

Harry nods and follows Liam to where his apartment complex is. Lucky for Harry, the building is at a walking distance with the beer garden and he doesn't have to spend much more money on transportation.

The apartment building is a fairly new one, freshly painted and well kept. Liam greets the security personnel as they pass by him and the middle-aged man returns it happily. They climb up the stairs to the second floor. Liam then opens room 201.

"Here we are, Harry."

Harry steps inside and promptly falls in love. Although a bit tiny, Harry thinks this flat is perfect for him. The space feels comfortable enough to live in and, because there aren't any tall buildings infront of the complex, the view is rather lovely. Harry checks the bedroom, the small kitchen-slash-dining room, the living room and the bathroom, finding them more than alright for him. After his short tour around the flat, Harry wanders back to Liam, smiling.

"I'll take it," he gushes. "It's perfect."

Liam pats him on the shoulder. "Glad to hear it, mate."

"When can I move in?"

"As soon as possible," Liam replies. "We can settle the payment on Saturday, alright?"

Harry looks conflicted. "Erm, I can, uh, pay today?"

Liam laughs. "Nonsense," he says as they head out. He locks the door and they descend the stairs. "You can move tomorrow and pay me on Saturday."

"If you're sure?"


As soon as they are infront of Liam's apartment building, they shake hands again.

"Thanks again, Mr. Payne," Harry repeats for the nth time. "For the job and the flat."

"Call me Liam and it's no trouble at all, Harry."

"Alright, umm, Liam."

"That's better," Liam grins. He waves at Harry one last time and proceeds to the direction of his beer garden.

Harry makes his way home. He feels really good today. He has accomplished alot and he hopes that this is merely the beginning of his life getting better. He can't wait to tell Niall about everything. He is sure that his friend will be happy for him.

Sadly, Harry has spoken too soon because when he reaches the gates of the Tilley's residence, he sees both of his packed bags and pillow thrown haphazardly to the ground near the rubbish bins. Alarmed, Harry sprints to where his belongings are and picks them up.

"No," he whispers, fearing the worst. He looks up and plastered against the gates is a massive sign that says sold. Harry feels his knees go weak and buckle, sending him to the ground with quivering lips. He tries to read the fine print of the paper but ends up staring at it with blurred vision as tears well in his eyes and drip down his cheeks.

Forget Me Not (Zayn/Harry; Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now