46 - Half of a truth

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"Thank you for taking the time to meet me, Zayn," Liam says by way of greeting, beaming widely, giddy to be seeing his friend after such a long time. He watches as Zayn tentatively sits down and returns his grin with a miserable smile, obviously wary of what will transpire today. Liam applauds him, though, for still showing up despite his palpable distress. In his heart, Liam promises to be as truthful as possible, so that Zayn finds the answers to the big holes in his life, which he are so avidly seeking. "I know you're a busy man, being a CEO and all."

"Honestly, I'm tired of living in the lies and obvious secrecy of my family," Zayn admits with a sigh, running a hand through his hair just to hide his fidgeting fingers. "I want the whole truth for once."

Liam nods, fully emphatizing with Zayn's emotions.

Zayn hesitates for a second and then blurts out, "Thank you, too, for giving me your time. I know your newborn son needs you more, but, uh, yeah."

Chuckling, Liam shakes his head and reaches forward to pat Zayn's limp hand on top of the table. He counts it as a win when the other doesn't flinch or pull his hand away. "You and Harry are my friends, I don't mind."

Seeing as they are currently situated inside a quiet little café on the more peaceful parts of the city, Liam decides to get them some refreshments. After all, this will be quite a long story. So, he flags down a waiter and orders them two large cups of latte and a plain banana muffin each. Once they are alone again, Liam turns to Zayn with a serious gaze. "Before we begin, Zayn, I'd like to ask if you are a hundred and ten percent sure that you are ready to hear what I am about to say?" he implores.

Without missing a beat, Zayn nods in earnest. "I am, Liam. If I did have something with Harry, I deserve to learn what it was, right?"

Seeing Zayn's sincerity and eagerness, Liam plows on. "Right. Well, before I forget, I want you to know that my side of your story is only, like five years in total. I know you told me that you lost a decade, so yeah, just so you know."

Before starting the much awaited epic tale of a modern star-crossed lovers, the two lads first receive their orders. The waiter carefully distributes the coffee and muffin infront of his customers and then thanks them before asking if they have anything else to request. Liam expresses his approval for the prompt service with a smile, assuring the waiter that they are good to go and don't need anything more. The waiter leaves and Liam takes it as his cue to begin.

"A few years back, I came to know this fascinating young lad. Without a doubt, he possesses the gentlest of manners, but the toughest of souls. In his green eyes, beneath the protective layers of I'm fine and warmth, you could see the many tribulations, that his young life had experienced, but instead of becoming jaded about life, he loved it and it showed. He was radiant, Zayn, and oh so lovely."

Zayn's eyes slowly slip shut as he draws Liam's words across his mind, coloring the picture in vivid hues. He builds a sketch of Harry Styles in his blank canvas, capturing his haunting green eyes and wilting smile. Somehow, despite his weathered grins and misty eyes, he is still very beautiful.

"He came to me asking for a job and a home. I was grateful to be able to provide him with such and to be the friend that he needs in his time of grief. He was an inspiration. He worked hard for himself and was always grateful, despite the little storms of life. Just when I thought that he couldn't be better, he proved me wrong by being the best. He was brilliant in his jobs, excelled in them, even. I was not disappointed to have hired him off the bat."

Unbeknownst to the two men, just a few meters outside the café, a pair of ominous presences are lurking. From a discreetly rented car parked across the street, a pair of small, well manicured hands emerge from the rolled windows of the back seat, passing a thick white envelope towards a tall, muscular lad in unassuming casual clothes.

Forget Me Not (Zayn/Harry; Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now